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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Can you put a photo' on with something with it, to give us some idea of it's size?
  2. Very sorry to hear about the traumatic time you and your better half have been having Ian. It's been a pleasure to have met you and to follow your crazy builds. The memory of driving your Honda V twin powered creation, will stay with me as long as I can remember. Wishing you both all the best and hope to see you next time I make it down south.
  3. Thanks for the video, Joseph. But WHAT was THAT Alan was driving?
  4. Please do a topic on the Triumph. Any photo's are better than none.
  5. Could well be, Jans. Got a couple of fencing tools at the farm. Similar jaws but incorporating a hammer head as well. Can you make out a makers name?
  6. That Triumph is superb. Just as well I got that wood above logged and stored, when I did. Mate of mine has bought a property north of Dumfries and called last Sunday. Left about 1-1/2 ton of logs behind.
  7. Joseph. Hope you have a good one.
  8. Aye! Give a web footed bird a puddle and it'll make a pond.
  9. I was going to weigh mine, but they're right back behind the tractors. Plus I got side tracked with a trailer load of wood and a green to mow.
  10. Looks like you had a good day for it, Joseph. Good array of different exhibits. Hang on to that Land Rover 90. Value of those is starting to get to silly money. Liked your ploughing. You'll make a ploughman yet.
  11. I like that. The way you can move it in or out. I need to make a clevis hitch and do something similar.
  12. Well we got the old girl to move today. I had a thought and said, "How's it for hydraulic oil?" Checked the tank and not a drop on the dipstick. Put in a gallon of oil, fired up the engine and we had drive to both wheels. Gordon, my farmer friend, reversed it out of the barn, turned it round and reversed it back in. Now parked in a more suitable position, until a decision on it's future is decided. Must admit that big Perkins 120hp 6 cylinder engine runs sweet. Only just run in with just over 2,000 hours on the clock. Anyone fancy a combine? Chris? Ian?
  13. All the Best, Angus. Hope you have a good day.
  14. Is there an Eriks near you? Do belts, bearings etc? I use Eriks in Carlisle. Find them very good. As to getting a greyhound, I was just pulling the better half's leg. Lost the last of my Border Collies end of last year. Very doubt full we'll be getting any more due to our ages. More specifically mine.
  15. This lot flew in this evening. Usually don't arrive till later in the year. Are we in for a hard winter? P1030101.MP4
  16. Didn't bother with decals. They wouldn't last five minutes. Thanks anyway.
  17. I made my own. Look here.... https://myoldmachine.com/topic/3639-wheel-weights/
  18. Funny you mention greyhounds. Just said to s.w.m.b.o. I think I'll get a greyhound. Keep flippin' cats out the garden.
  19. First off, Richard. I don't have any details for you, but it you visit our sister forum, https://www.wheelhorseforum.com/ You should find the info' you require in the manuals section. How about introducing yourself in the introduction section on here. Tell us a little about yourself and where you are. Who knows, there maybe a member/members near you. BTW. We do like photo's of members machinery.
  20. Looks ok Chris. Though I think the disc could do with moving back nearer the share. and maybe set lower.
  21. All the Best Frank. Have a good day and don't let those boys of yours lead you astray.
  22. I think you have discs? All you need now is a genuine cultivator. You could modify a clevis hitch if you have a spare?
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