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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Yesterday I had a phone call from a couple of old friends from down south. Hadn't seen or heard from them for over 3yrs. Land Rover people like myself. They were up here on holiday and asked if it was convenient to visit. Also any camp sites near by. Of course I said yes and they could camp outside our home. A couple of hours later they arrived and set up camp. 1964 ex-military series 3 Land Rover. Engine upgrade to a 2.5 200Tdi. Really well thought out and kitted out, as they often visit the Italian and French Alps, driving up remote unmade mountain tracks and wild camping.
  2. Thanks for the offer, Jonathan. Depends on the flexibility. I'll pop up over the weekend and see.
  3. All the Best, Dave. Have a good day.
  4. Had another play with the suck it and see project. Modified the hitch, Billy Goat to tractor. Made it offset so the Goat is about 3" to the left of the tractor. This is so the tractor exhaust is clear of any hedge or tree low branches. Even threw some paint at it. Last week I did some work on sides and top for the Saxon trailer. All made out of scrap material I had lying about and also some of a neighbours. Everything can be dismantled in a few minutes. Yes! The sides are a bit short, but that is because the scrap ply was that length. At the rear, the back is held by the clips you see. The chamfers at the bottom allow the tailboard to open. To stop, (hopefully) grass/leaves being blown out, but let air through, a wire mesh covers the gap with hessian behind it. The hessian is a cut up shopping bag, that Carol was going to put in the rubbish bin. The vertical edges being trapped twixt end panel and side Next I'm going to have to spend some cash and buy a flexible hose 4" pipe. Still, shouldn't complain as expense so far has been zilch.
  5. Advertise it in the for sale section.
  6. Stormin

    Spark Plug

    Just make sure, if you don't know, to stagger the ring gaps. When I removed the piston from my C-125, I found the gaps were in line. It may not have needed new rings.
  7. All the Best Nigel. Have a good day and don't work to hard. Not that there's much chance of that.
  8. My sister and BIL where up in Newman for some years. Some big machines up there.
  9. Stormin

    Spark Plug

    As to the bit of smoke. Does it use much oil? After a couple of hours running, My C-125 needed an oil top up. A deglaze and new rings and now it uses none.
  10. Looks in good nick, Paul. Have you got the necessary connections from deck to collector as well?
  11. Stormin

    Caterpillar D6

    How long is that outfit? I know one thing. You'd never get it anywhere near me.
  12. Try Paul at Meetens, Ewan.
  13. I'd just been reading a post by Richard and didn't notice who had posted that comment. You know what it's like when you are of a mature age. Corrected now. ALAN!
  14. All good things in time, Alan. Don't start rushing me now.
  15. Hooked things up this morning to see how things looked. Fired up the Goat and threw a latex glove under it. Shot it nicely in to the back of the trailer. Also blew it out again. By 'eck it's got some waft. So what next. Need something along the lines of a silage trailer, methinks. So what's next? To be continued...…..
  16. I wouldn't mind something like those, but one wouldn't fit in my yard.
  17. They look handy, Richard. Where did you get them from?
  18. Thanks for the photo's Dave. Those Acre's look some beasts.
  19. Raised and 2-1/2" ground clearance. Lowered. To be continued...….
  20. Stormin


    Looks very nice. But I assume it's for display not use?
  21. Today I thought I'd better do something about the Billy Goat. So I dragged it out from it's hiding place and placed it behind the C-125. After much thinking, swapping and general trying to work something out, the C-125 was fitted with a slot hitch. The front wheels removed from the Billy Goat and a coupling knocked up. Tried various things, none of which I was happy with. Suddenly I had a flash of inspiration. How would a hinged coupling work out. So with no more todo, I knocked one up using a cut down butt hinge. See below. Up! Down! The principle works and I can adjust the Billy Goats intake height with the lift levers adjuster. I think this could be a suck it and see project. I already have some alterations in mind. I'll post some photo's of it coupled up tomorrow all being well.
  22. Interesting machines, Dave. Look forward to seeing them built up.
  23. Happy Birthday Mark. I'm sure your lot will have a special treat for you.
  24. Welcome back. Get that membership done and photo's up.
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