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Everything posted by CNew
  1. Sorry I’m late to the party, was on business travel. I’ll take a look around my parts as well to see if I have any of the pieces. FYI- in case you do need all the gaskets and plastic reed valve: https://www.ebay.com/itm/114847057767?_skw=ohlsson+rice+carburetor&itmmeta=01JNE803DJR4Q3T4XPX1KT1QZM&hash=item1abd6b0767:g:1zoAAOSwIGhgOwOk&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAA8FkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1dQEOAC8QS1PfgADOOmUESYpF9BxHQioV10rfLg2aaBMCzLA51Tto4yDb6lZYdpJhMkxTynFCveVe3jM%2BM61xpIQn%2FfX1t26oOyYpH2nQZUGf0Zu5x38Yso4pXGrt7OK7ftKvO9WvzqDNyEdfpzcoi6x8eea9aS9Mo3BAHG0Ml4qwsWfOS18mifIP2xeZTK6L2pHMrGpsij1qn2%2FBsOA%2F8ZKJy2sOHz8uaPJrepLkZoEZVc92prp8RrZUl0gR7uKmlPcZbjZ96UFg76N8Vvlud--BPd8VTF%2FGc2036oAcN4LQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4S3gMirZQ
  2. Nice find, that’s a really cool little mini bike. I have a 1970 Honda CB450…
  3. Tanks don’t come up often but there is one available now… https://www.ebay.com/itm/256546196755?itmmeta=01J4C4WZEQ0KGXH23T5XAP0114&hash=item3bbb584d13:g:gkMAAOSwZZFmcD0f&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4BHjIXw2BblhGVDWj6VzdEEJFMk3Qp2YEM%2FRVenrZRQ1LwU3CXg0LellU%2FTYORCQD5YtFx9%2F3WGHIjtNHrjOAiFiEM7Vw2rrAcwhac8Myf7VfL%2FSontjS%2BhU%2BaTyh%2FwoRZ6Ie5usQO6A4EE7qIizefirMOzXYB99s3tSZ3TfNCTZd%2FXAPEwKoUu70mpRbp5vjyVVCYoNDyXMZDczMe1F3PEiIn79%2BWiTK9gfpqYB1vzewF4%2BfjcHwIYc6m4oeDfnq2Vz%2Fe9O%2BcgbFhAcgrzJB2a88HwMt24FLeyBmZPyj5Og|tkp%3ABk9SR7r384SjZA
  4. I’m with Wallfish, I also think they look better without the cover and with a standard gas tank.
  5. There should be a small cup on the center of the recoil housing that is riveted but the spring wraps around it and hooks into the cage of the recoil housing. Ther is also a retaining clip that holds the spring spool. Hard to describe. Search the Manuals section on here and there are some really good photos of how to remove the spring. I’m not sure how to add a link but here is the first page. I the Manuals section scroll down until you see the same title and you can access the entire pdf file. better yet, I forgot Wallfish added a tutorial section on Recoil repair:
  6. I think I’ve had to do that same fix before as well. I don’t recall any issues with adding a new wire spliced in right about where you’re pointing. If the wire core isn’t really damaged you might also be able to just break off all the old insulation and then do a couple layers of shrink tubing. You’d still have to remove and reattach the little clip. i can also confirm, my carb also has the little hole.
  7. That’s awesome, glad to hear you got it running. I’m pretty sure that hole in the top of the carburetor is supposed to be there, I think it allows the diaphragm to pulse. I’ll take a look at mine and see if it has the hole. can you add a photo of there you plan to solder wires?
  8. I have 2 engines like this as well. One has the oil hole and the other doesn’t.
  9. Very nice engine, looks to be in great condition. Might want to put some liquid electrical tape or heat shrink over the spark plug wire😁
  10. Ok, keep us posted if it doesn’t work. I’ll keep looking through my parts stuff just in case. Are the diaphragm and gaskets on ok condition? If the diaphragm is hard and brittle let me know.
  11. If I’m not able to find one, here are some options… https://www.ebay.com/itm/256123669540?itmmeta=01J1GVJJBPR1J8WX1WVK3BB0D8&hash=item3ba2290c24:g:K0cAAOSw7DZkm5lv&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwKLVx5D1Ob0tKoE%2BYkmlNml%2F5vzspbV7PxdgexLSeTuoMYc%2FMON2gGASHaxf%2FniCLL6QUA1f0AFwTW50oSrDbiCNQQHRlp7kK4Hxi5je0mzqSgbb7oaY%2BbGfVQL37sPnvXr9%2F4YkGC7asx%2FOMX64CbEB%2BSJDhuw5fPiEP%2BqyARS94S6bmnFA44uQGQ5a8kACDW461c%2FkYE2jbcLQBuIxdt5IeMTshet2%2FBd8oo6aHokoypmmOsgR41MNy0W0EFXomw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4imypuMZA https://www.ebay.com/itm/314864057496?itmmeta=01J1GVSKG4XMNHNDVMPH8WD2XR&hash=item494f5c3c98:g:SvwAAOSwDNdlGuDi&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwITYEOgFS%2FupxKfMfPaHF4LTbh9MRT3Fr%2BFlRUMgVecJq9mloR9BYtU4Mvb1kYT5NjAkLRuVMtKgT%2B0tTqhEtGj6xf2MQYQM%2BxkYqm5gM8DczuEsDqipXStZX3sn%2B6iwYvcpCXKr7OeH%2Fzipea2kakQD9yxTsFCqPNK0XGAOqqTRnsrkL5EXMQ2Vl6eAbaYfSU7lvb8%2FSbaB8bcaSbvCP6MA2keRIO%2FX98BuoAwiLbxMBrG42Q3o5E7z%2FldhSPi%2BkA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5a45puMZA https://www.ebay.com/itm/325699361496?itmmeta=01J1GVSKG4Q7G1MVD72VAE0GA4&hash=item4bd531dad8:g:yfEAAOSwfidkj7la&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwBUNmKz%2F7m6F5xzH1jtpv26W2FqwHWLtaiTaEXMTyC0WGWdS7rA8lBLPHhuDVNxDHcFeFKR3gwziHqSCiZ4ETZ1Va9xQZbfCc6V4p0Dbvzpszi504dhbZHVOwfWczJByWhRb9ehCYB0TXtW5GctXqZ14KBLqf91C3hpZQ7SDRlYDm8ORKGqkuh6HUX7Au0NKK0O%2F22LJXcl7i47JHaWxggE2l%2BAMyglKGbxHayaqtu51%2FU%2F49DAhznnW66OuMsnPXw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5i45puMZA
  12. I will try to look through stuff this weekend.
  13. What O&R engine or tool are you trying to fix? Can you start a new thread and add some photos?
  14. Bases turned out really nice! The green one almost looks laser cut.
  15. What are these hens teeth you refer to?
  16. Awesome- that’s the same bluing I have. Looks great!
  17. That did “turn” out nice. I agree, the rings are a nice flare but not needed.
  18. I’ve thought about trying that as well. I recently bought some bluing solution for a ball peen hammer restoration. Seems like it would look good.
  19. That’s really cool that you have the Octura valve! I’ve never seen one of those before.
  20. Band strap turned out great! You’re cruising through these engines. Not sure I’ve seen that particular TT, very cool!
  21. Band strap turned out great! You’re cruising through these engines.
  22. Are you taking about the metal strap that goes around the generator or the rubber handle/cushion? What tool would have used a 1600 rpm gearbox?
  23. I gotta figure out what project to start next, got the O&R itch again!
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