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Everything posted by CNew
  1. I was able to scrape the paint off the engine tag. Looks like: 20A1003; 5110572
  2. There does look to be a tag and as you correctly point out it is completely covered in paint. I’ll have to pull the cover again and try to clean it off later today.
  3. I had the same reaction. I wanted to join to give some insight but I don’t work with outboards enough to justify the membership fee.
  4. Ha, yes I was but I recently left that job. I might still be able to get a buddy to make one for me sometime.
  5. Looks like this one has caused a few people to scratch their heads... better view of the original paint color too... https://aomci.org/forums/topic/identify-this-motor/
  6. Well I’m still stumped. Here’s what I’ve been able to decipher on the carburetor. The bottom of the bowl is stamped Walbro. It also looks to be a LMB model. Bad news is the model number looks to have been a double stamp which makes the numbers nearly impossible to make out clearly. It looks like it could be a 181 or 191 maybe. There are also two other numbers stamped on the opposite side, 1175 and 1014.
  7. You’re a genius David. As soon as I get home this evening I’ll take a look. From memory I think it might be the LMB model.
  8. I’ll try to look closer at the carburetor later today and see if I can get more details. At first I thought it was a Walbro so you have me curious now...
  9. Thanks! Well, this certainly isn’t normal for me. I came into these last three machines kind of all at one time which never seems to happen. I try to look at eBay and the local Craigslist in the evenings for a little bit. Now that I have a couple in the stable it’s time to start cleaning them up and working on them. This out board looks like the original color was a bright almost metallic blue, definitely a marine color. David, Very nice find by the way on the Clinton outboard brochure. Those photos are really nice! Thanks, Clint
  10. David, Thanks for the link to the manual, this is great!
  11. I wasn’t able to get the price I wanted but it’s hard to pass it up when it’s in your hands. It does have some damage on the mount but I probably won’t actually use this for its intended purpose. The camo paint is a let down, would be much better if it had the original paint scheme. Turns out this is actually an outboard produced by Clinton and its a model K-150. My eye must be getting sharper. I was just scrolling through Craigslist and the recoil starter is what caught my attention - I knew it had to be a 13B or 20A... https://books.google.com/books?id=B-IDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA96&lpg=PA96&dq=clinton+k-150+outboard&source=bl&ots=OE-egHhIuZ&sig=ACfU3U1HjdT-0EIpzv0Y3mPgqfIe34_0OQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1k53D3L_kAhVLXKwKHYyPDVcQ6AEwEnoECAUQAQ#v=onepage&q=clinton k-150 outboard&f=false
  12. Got it, will post some photos in a little while.
  13. I think I’m 99% sure I may have just found one. I’m hoping to go see it this evening. If it turns out to indeed be such an animal I’m guessing I should try to get it??? The guy is asking a bit much for it and it’s been spray painted camouflage for use on a duck hunting boat.
  14. Picked up this cool little water pump this morning. It has a Type 217 engine. This one is about as simple as they come.
  15. Has anyone ever, seen or currently have, an Ohlsson & Rice outboard that uses the larger 20A engine?
  16. Yes, I was quite pleased to find this. I had hoped some day I might come across one and I did unexpectedly. It looks to be complete. I might put it all back together today just for grins if I get some time. The fuel vent is all cracked and pieces of plastic are missing so it’s junk and I’ll have to figure out an alternative. I agree, seems like more of these would pop up given how common the newer mini tillers seem to be.
  17. Recent addition to the collection is a Derby Tiller. Here are the as-received photos. Definitely needs a good clean-up. It might be a little while before I get to this one but I’ll add some photos as soon as I can do an initial wipe down.
  18. FYI - if anyone has one of these little mini bikes, here is an original sales brochure... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Rare-Micro-Power-Motor-Bike-101-in-a-Bag-Dealer-Sales-Ad-Brochure/362303493552?hash=item545af895b0:g:aVwAAOSwyGBa4Tkk
  19. That Savidge drill would be really neat to see!
  20. I couldn’t find much info on the GH Grimm drill. I’d love to see some photos - feel free to PM me. Finally had a chance to look this up. Nice find David - I don’t know how you find this kind of info.... Always very much appreciated.
  21. Thanks for noticing there are two for sale. I might grab one after all. I’ve bought fromthat seller before and he does fast shipping. I would think a simple piece of felt would work. This is probably more than you’d ever need https://www.mcmaster.com/felt
  22. Cool generator! I was able to find small rubber grommets at my local hardware store - like an Ace Hardware that fit for the Governor vane. I’ve had to make the little roller piece as well like Wallfish said - I think I found some rod/wire at a Hobby shop that was the right diameter. FYI- I think if you look up O&R Chainsaw right now on eBay you’ll find the recoil cup. These don’t come up often and I thought about buying it myself but you are in need of it now for this project and I would just keep it for use as a future spare. Let me know if decide not to buy it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/O-R-PART-PN-131-1/193041941720?hash=item2cf23244d8:g:GIQAAOSw9rtdTx~Z:sc:USPSFirstClass!55406!US!-1
  23. I wish I would have thought to ask him about that- I was just excited to have it in my hands and didn’t think to ask some of those obvious questions. Thanks for the reference to the Bunton and Hoffco, I’ll have to check them out.
  24. Your GH Gimm Tree tapper sounds pretty cool. I feel pretty fortunate to have come across this O&R drill. I hadn’t ever seen anything other than the Drillgine either. I noticed this Sugar Bush one also has a couple brackets on each side that look like they were intended for a neck strap harness or something. This is my first O&R tool that is a bit unique.
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