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Everything posted by CNew
  1. He probably would. I don’t know what it would cost since he would have to CAD it up or have someone CAD it for him. The other trick will be finding the right material...
  2. Yeah, I remember there being some good stuff mixed in as I was doing a quick scan while boxing everything up for the move. I’ll need to just set aside some time and make a little inventory list... I just went out to the garage to quickly look through one of the boxes and I think there is a gas tank gasket in there, part number 200137, does that sound right? I’ll need to keep this one as well since I still have 4 chainsaws I have yet to fix up and I know a couple of the tanks are in really rough shape. But, like Wallfish I could part with it temporarily if you wanted to use it as a template and then send it back. Or I could probably even trace it out and send that as a template if you didn’t want to hassle with mailing back and forth. Let us know...
  3. You might be right, I’ll have to dig through that stuff again to see what all is there. I still need to sort and organize everything, never got to it before the move. Those hole punches do work well. I recently bought a set of punches, can’t remember the brand but they work really well too. If you’re interested I’ll pull them out and send the info.
  4. That yellow looks a lot like the original Cub Cadet yellow. There are a couple versions of old School Bus yellow that might also look pretty close. I can’t remember the year but the later Cub Cadets switched to a brighter almost canary yellow, the older version definitely looked better.
  5. Wow, that’s looking great! I was going to attempt a gasket repair on an old Orline 149 chainsaw but never got around to it. I was going to try Hondabond 4. Got as far as buying the Hondabond but never split the tank open. I think there is a similar material by Yamaha, Yamabond I think. I’ve heard this stuff should work and it’s used on motorcycle crank cases. Merry Christmas!
  6. How is the inside of the gas and oil tank?
  7. I’m jealous, wow I can’t believe you got that on eBay for $37.50, what a steal! Must have been listed funny cause those saws usually command a pretty high price. That’s a really nice Chip-A-Saw.
  8. Yeah, that particular version seems to be fairly uncommon but yikes that’s a lot of $$$.
  9. Found this one on Craigslist and had to drive a couple hours to pick it up. Price wasn’t too bad, not like the one on eBay right now - wow that one is getting some serious bidding!
  10. THanks Webhead, that’s kind of what I figured.
  11. I’m curious, does anyone know if the wire leads on the Crescent spools in the first photo are original to the generator?
  12. Welcome! Sounds like others have you covered but happy to help if I can.
  13. Picked up my first find since the move. Looks to be in pretty good shape.
  14. Unfortunately no but I wish I did- it would be a super cool item!
  15. Cleaned up and back together.
  16. Here are a couple photos of the Nobco Power Beam brochure
  17. Great idea! If you come up with a solution post some photos. I’ve been thinking about a modified bar with a socket adapter too as a possible way to manage the torque but just haven’t gotten around to making one.
  18. I hated to miss that one, I go away for a week and miss it!
  19. Just now catching up after being gone for the week in Europe. Did anyone on here get that Lancaster water pump off eBay? I didn’t have any connection while I was gone so couldn’t bid on it or anything.
  20. I’ll look up those numbers later this week. Thanks David!
  21. I’ve got some Seal-All on order to give it a try.
  22. The Nobco power beam brochure I found finally arrived. I’ll try to add some decent photos later in the week.
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