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Everything posted by CNew
  1. What ever happened with these? Somehow I missed this chain. I hope Oldjimturbine is ok!
  2. I have some of the little steel balls. I ended up buying a bag of each size. If you’re not in a hurry I could probably get you one in November. All my stuff is packed up for a move. Man it’s hard not being able to work on these things and look at them... If you’re in a hurry the diaphragm and gasket can be purchased on eBay... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Ohlsson-Rice-Carburetor-Gasket-Kit/113909901615?hash=item1a858f292f:g:YgoAAOSwLApdkpGV
  3. Wow, now that is an awesome find! Keep trying, maybe he will give in some day. They would be cool to add to the collection.
  4. Funny - I’ll be a fairly close neighbor to this “meatballbutch” seller on eBay. Mesa isn’t far from where I’ll end up.
  5. I might be able to help as well but not for another month or so as all my O&R stuff is packed getting ready for a move.
  6. Apparently ... you never know where the road is going to take you.... I’m going to miss the lush green and lakes and fall colors for sure. I guess tumble weeds and cactus are pretty in their own way too.
  7. That Toby Cart looks really nice! That should be a cool ride whe you’re done, have someone take a video of you on it! Is there any sort of brake or do you just drag your feet?
  8. Thanks JUST O&R! Headed to the desert.... I couldn’t agree more- I aim to get the workbench out and unpack the O&R stuff as quickly as possible. Even when I can’t work on them it’s fun just looking at them and planning the next project. Like you said, they are a good support system. Cheers!
  9. Wow, that’s one nice ride! I haven’t been able to work on any projects lately. I am about to move across the country so all the O&R stuff is packed up.
  10. I agree, thought the same thing the first time I mounted the engine. That threaded shaft and keyed collar are quite nice.
  11. John, Much appreciated, these photos are really helpful so I can make sure my tiller goes back together correctly. It looks like my handle linkage is correct so that’s good to know.
  12. It might take a little time since I just started a new job but I may have access to another technology that might make for a great solution for these little vents.
  13. Wow! Nice work, that turned out awesome! That home made cover really finishes out the saw. I think I see an O&R outboard on the wall, is that already fixed up or next in line after the Toby Cart?
  14. Yes, I’m also glad it landed with someone on here- nice grab Just O&R! Looking forward to great photos as you start to get’r all fixed up!
  15. Wow, incredible research- truly amazing! Thank you David, this is really cool to know.
  16. I was able to scrape the paint off the engine tag. Looks like: 20A1003; 5110572
  17. There does look to be a tag and as you correctly point out it is completely covered in paint. I’ll have to pull the cover again and try to clean it off later today.
  18. I had the same reaction. I wanted to join to give some insight but I don’t work with outboards enough to justify the membership fee.
  19. Ha, yes I was but I recently left that job. I might still be able to get a buddy to make one for me sometime.
  20. Looks like this one has caused a few people to scratch their heads... better view of the original paint color too... https://aomci.org/forums/topic/identify-this-motor/
  21. Well I’m still stumped. Here’s what I’ve been able to decipher on the carburetor. The bottom of the bowl is stamped Walbro. It also looks to be a LMB model. Bad news is the model number looks to have been a double stamp which makes the numbers nearly impossible to make out clearly. It looks like it could be a 181 or 191 maybe. There are also two other numbers stamped on the opposite side, 1175 and 1014.
  22. You’re a genius David. As soon as I get home this evening I’ll take a look. From memory I think it might be the LMB model.
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