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rolloman last won the day on February 5 2017

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About rolloman
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    Advanced Member
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  • Location
    edinburgh scotland
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  1. Hi all here is a couple of pictures of my new toy newly arrived very good running villiers mk10 just needs a colour change just fitted the correct on off switch on Saturday hope you like it
  2. Good evening all. Two little boys were out and about on Sunday and met fellow member Mr Jarrovian, we swapped some Machines and returned home with a trailer full can you identify them
  3. rolloman

    simar c30

    Hello jarrovian I can give that a home in Scotland if you want
  4. Hi All here is a update on the auto culto that belongs to the Callander ploo-man pictured here are the handles in my kitchen workshop a wee bit of overtime this week for me, also the new engine plate for mk15 Villiers engine which arrived this week this will be rivited onto the cowling and will ensure a nice finish to this project
  5. Hello Callandar Ploo man Reporting in from a nice sunny Edinburgh Handlebars have been 600 grade wet and dried ready for top coat also Villiers cowl has been panel beaten fillied and primed ready for top coat Can anybody tell me how much does it cost for a panel beater painter etc on a sunday and should i be claiming overtime
  6. Good evening all here is my old friend Auld Bob who has been retired for many years after I stopped ploughing with it .He has been sitting at the back of the shed until today when he came out to say please start ploughing with me again Please Please how can i refuse hope like I have now owned this tractor longer than it last owner who knows 2017 might be the year to start ploughing with Auld Bob again thanks
  7. Hello Callander ploo man excellent progress it will soon be rebuilding time , If you want another project I have an old mk1 Allen Scythe in need of a paint job plus I am pretty sure there are some others I could find anyway keep on with overtime
  8. Hi all I have been busy this wee while converting my Little Tractor from a hand lift to a nice Hydraulic lift for the up and coming Horticultural plough matches / working days here are some pictures of it today after completion i think it was well worth the time and effort involved I think I might rename this Tractor Heinz 57 as it has a Villiers 44 h engine a countax seat two Fergy Headlights and now a hydraulic lift to boot but what the heck i think its great bring on the plough days
  9. Hi jarrovian You now what i believe it is they seem very cosy together apologies for no contact busy night on the phone
  10. Hi jarrovian welcome to forum nice collection of Howards but you dont have a gold Bantam do you ?
  11. Good progress so far keep it up I think he had some help with the paint removal, I also have looked out my sun shades for the ploughing at Balbuchty charity match
  12. Hi like the machine looking forward to seeing it plow
  13. Happy new year from the Scottish Rolloman
  14. Hello guys hope you all had a good Christmas and got everything you asked for I got this from Santa on his way home look he even had time to wrap it up what a great guy
  15. Hi all look what came out today some thing you dont see everyday, one off my old Tractors which hasnt been raillled for some years, A clean of the points and fresh fuel was all that it required to get it running again, can you guess the make of it , hope you like it I love it
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