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Everything posted by Vinnetrow
  1. My list 1. Fuel tank 2. Brakes 3. Weld 'er up 4. Paint
  2. Not the best, but I quite enjoy brazing Exhaust Inlet
  3. That looks like quite a bit of surgery is going to take place.
  4. So when do we get a tug 'o war with Bendy?? but seriously, great job Ian.
  5. From watching Top Gear, i've found that a drag race is the only way to compare vehicles Does anything stand a chance against bendy?
  6. I'm sorry Koen, I have no idea, not my sort of music to be honest
  7. This one day event continued to grow this year (I believe its the 5th year) with bikes, trikes, cars, even a scale steam lorry and a tractor coming and going all afternoon. I tried to film as much as I could, but with wind and a very loud band, some of it was not very good quality. Anyway, heres a few clips...
  8. I guess you have to watch out when Nigel is about. First trying to knock you off a trailer, now this
  9. I know youve stripped the carb, but watching something like this could be helpful. Just incase you missed something.
  10. Imagine if all grandsons could have one though...
  11. Its not a Tractor, or a mower, its not even old. But this is what we've been up to lately... A drift trike is exactly what it sounds like, a trike that goes sideways sometimes. The idea is to put PVC pipe around the rear tires to help this. There's a bunch on Youtube if you want to know more. My Dad is Dutch, can you tell? I hope he doesnt see this
  12. Vinnetrow

    Hallo Dolly.

    'Stormin Towing Co.' I can see it
  13. Nice pics! Is the lever on the side of the Mayfield for the mower deck?
  14. You will certainly be losing your hat Ian
  15. Vinnetrow

    90cc or under

    5 hours on a moped? good luck Nigel
  16. i like how they all have small variations, gives them individual character
  17. Yeah, i was subbed to UKWheelhorseBloke on Youtube long before i had heard of MOM. I Just didn't expect to see the 6x6 on eBay so quickly after Ian sold it.
  18. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221707305739?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  19. Yeah, thats the latest build, some of it is documented here... http://myoldmachine.com/topic/1197-project-tbd/
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