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Posts posted by Ian

  1. Yep, it's been quite a damp and grey day weather wise here Chris, it's only brightened up over the past 90 mins..


    What paint are you using Mark? The normal enamel or something a bit more car orientated?

  2. Although I do take a lot of photo's most days, most of the photo's are of my projects.. Every once in a while I like to take a few snaps just for fun and because I enjoy it.


    Now don't worry, I'm not about to post the clock photo's again :)


    Living where I do out in sticks we do get a lot of wild life and some of it comes through the garden which is handy :)


    Meet Bert..





    A green woodpecker..





    A lot less green woodpecker :D





    A pheasant strutting his stuff.





    A chilling rabbit.





    Some smaller wildlife, a dragonfly.





    And a butterfly feasting on a blackberry.












    One year the lawn exploded into colour as the clover went into overdrive.. It looked so nice I didn't want to cut the lawn :)





    Some photo's look best in black and white..









    And some have to be taken in the dark :D





    A few slow moving mushrooms..





    And these last two I have no idea what they are as Photobucket is playing up and all I can see is the link!





  3. By 'eck I bet that can cut some corn !!




    It clears field directly behind my place in about 5 mins!




    It amazes me how these combines work , I was told that they harvest crops via satellite information .

    I did some work for a company that used to sell Massey ferguson combines in Bedfordshire.& I got to sit in the cab , it felt like you were driving a space ship. Great fun


    It's all a bit high tech these days, I did get a ride in the Claas a couple of years ago and the farmer showed me the cruise control as he called it.. Flick a few switches and it steered itself around the edge of the field!

    all the high tech stuff can't stop the belts breaking though :D

  4. I've no idea what model this is, I bought it at least ten years ago. Powered by a small techy engine which has never let me down.. I know it will always start each time on one or two pulls of the cord.


    As for the flames.. I got bored one day :D


    The chrome exhaust didn't stay long as it made the whole mower vibrate like mad, but the induction system is still on it :D





  5. I like your thinking Kev, that could work very well.

    Maybe rather than just one manufacturer each month beginning with each letter, any manufacturer beginning with that letter would be better.. More posts each month and a mixture of machines..


    What do you think guy's and Girls?

  6. Digging this thread up as Nigel and I spent a good few hours this afternoon trying to work out this strange trans.. It's a Peerless 2300 series that came from a machine with the engine mounted to one side or it it from a rear steer machine..


    Has anyone any idea what this trans is from?  Both Nigel and I would love to know :D









  7. I can understand why the key was missing, it's very easy to push the key out when pushing the pulley on.. Don't it myself with realizing until I noticed I had no drive! :)


    Looks like your having fun with the trans Norm, Sorry I can't help you with the high/low selector fork bolt..

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