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Posts posted by Ian

  1. I think you only bought the Husky because it's the same colour as your Morris Minor Andrew :D:yankchain:


    Looking at the photo's I can see the rear axles have what looks like a big butterfly nut's on the end.. Is the rear track adjustable in width?

  2. Ah yes, the world famous Russian drivers!!   What always amazes me is the lack of self preservation!!  You would of thought that at some point their brain would say "Hhhmmm, if I don't brake or swerve a little to miss that car it's going to hurt!"...

  3. To all those that didn't go to Rural Past Times.... Did you miss out on a great weekend despite the weather today...   Why did I like it so much?   It didn't matter what make or size machine you were driving, everyone was made to feel at home with lot's of "Hi, how ya doing?" being said by everyone :)

    The other thing I liked was it's such a relaxed place, if you wanted to get on your machine be it a Westwood or a massive tracked crawler and have a potter about the site, you could :D


    Anyway, here a few photo's I managed to grab from video footage before the Hard Drive lunched out!

















  4. well monday came around and the beast was pulled into life being brand new i ran it up first without the 5ft bar and 173 drive link chain then once id made the chain i assembled it all and ran it on the workshop floor my collegue adam help steady the the saw whilst running it so i could film the beast i will post the video although fairly boring its just running on the floor no actual cutting going on i will ask the customer if i can attend when its in operation to video it in planking mode


    It would be great to see it in "planking mode", do what you can to get a video of it Ben :)

  5. Er... a bit of a strange day with this project... I found I had quite a strange chain problem!!

    I went to put the rear right hand side chain back on today, when I fitted it up I found it was too long and the chain tensioner pushed the bottom bit of the chain into the top bit..

    No problem I thought, just take the half link out the chain and all will be cool.. Er... No!

    With the half link removed the chain only just fitted on, but it was tight.. So tight in fact the chain tensioner was wedged down against the inside of the outrigger!!


    So with the half link in the chains too long, without it it's too short!!!    I'm stumped!!!

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