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the showman

Rural Past Times Aug 8/9

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This is a vintage agricultural weekend held at Pestalozzi village in Sedlescombe Sussex ( tn33 0uf ).

I've been going to this show since it started a few years ago and last year i was asked to take over the Horticultural section,it was very short notice and didn't have time to promote it.

This year I'm looking for exhibitors to support me with this show.

I've secured a good spot in the middle of the site and there will be a working area that is useable all day, there will be an arena display on both days so whatever you want to do with your machine nows your chance,

This is a working weekend so whatever your interest its there, there will be plenty of stalls and a silent auction as well as live music, beer tent and plenty of food.

There's free camping on a nice flat field just a short walk away.

So come and have a fun weekend if you want to work your machine or just chill out, this will be a good show with your support, pm me for an entry form NOW

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I will be there Chris, if all goes to plan I will be bringing 2 machines :D


I can highly recommend Rural Pastimes Guy's, it's a very relaxed show with plenty of working space and a great mix of machines, so come along and support the horti section :thumbs:

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i will be there again chris, its the highlight of my show list, this has to be one of the most relaxed shows and working weekends in the country ie no jobsworths saying you cant do that, you cant go there, they encourage our types of machines and make us all very welcome and give us as much space as we need for working and showing it would be great if forum members back you on this one mate,and a realy good place for forum users to meet up once a year :thumbs:

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I agree with Nigel , it could be the place for the annual MOM meet & greet , would be great to see everyone's machines in action


That's a great idea Neil :thumbs:

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It will be worth it of you could make it down Norm, it's a great relaxing weekend...   It would be cool to finally meet you too :thumbs:

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come down souf norm we are very nice people, and we speak english :D  this is a realy good working show and very relaxed, it will be realy sunny so bring your lotion and a bucket and spade, it would be great to have our northen lads down to enjoy the fun

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yes they do benefit richard it would be realy good to see you there. mark driffield is for girls come to a mans show :D  glad your coming norm drag some of the other funny speakers with you , we need a good laugh :D

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my entry form has now been sent chris, looking forward to it :)

Thanks Kev, I'm sure you will enjoy the show

Not to sure if I'll make it now. We've just decided to do some renovation work on the mud hut. If I do, it'll be just to visit, not exhibit.

Thats ok Norm, there will be plenty of stuff for you to drive

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