Hiding behind the Ladybird mower and amonst the usual workshop detritus is my lathe... and to be honest, I've no idea who made it or when! It's obviously been repainted and renovated by the previous owner, whom I think made the motor frame, on-off switch and fitted the guards over the slow speed gears. It's a bit worn in places as expected, but gets used alot and is much appreciated (even if it is a bit grubby at the moment).
The only mark on the main casting is the 'D.R.G.M.' number, which I think is a german trademark or something? The motor has '2 69' stamped on, which I presume is 1969...? It was mentioned by someone that it could be WW2 era, and brought back from germany after the war, though I have no idea if thats true or not.
So if anyone can shed more light on it's history I'd love to know!