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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2014 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    weald of kent steam fair

    its a new small show near me where they race steamers
  2. 2 points

    Ride On Mower Insurance

    Where the hell did this come from!! That's a nut's idea aimed solely at getting us to pay more! Reading the article it's say that NFU expects it to cost about £100 a year! Now correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure I've just read above that it's only costing people a little over £30 a year with NFU?? How would they police it anyway? Will we have to watch the streets for "Mower detection vans", that have a couple of blokes in the back trying to match an engine sound they have heard coming from behind a house, to a list of "known" mower engine sounds? And what about those "project" mowers that may not run or are not even bolted together? Are we going to have to get insurance on them just in case some "low life" breaks into your workshop and hurts him/her self while running past your project that's up on the bench and hasn't moved under it's own power in years??? What's next? Insurance on leaf blowers just in case a leaf you have blown manages to find it's way in next doors window, makes the owner sneeze and knocks over an expensive vase?? I remember reading a few winters back that you shouldn't clear the snow off the path in front of your house just in case someone slips and trys to sue you!!! The world is going mad I tell you !!!
  3. 2 points

    Ride On Mower Insurance

    Neil, I can take one off your hands if that helps......
  4. 1 point

    How about this for a nut splitter.

    Bought this a few years back from a car boot sale, probably never use it but it was cheap. 9 inches long with a capacity of 1.5 to 2 inch nuts.
  5. 1 point

    Ride On Mower Insurance

    Good idea :hide: Look at all the tax revenue the treasury is losing by all the uninsured car driivers about. How can we possibly pay MP's saleries & expenses without something like this
  6. 1 point

    How about this for a nut splitter.

    You need a big tool if you've got big nuts
  7. 1 point

    How about this for a nut splitter.

    Wow, 9 inches long, that's a big tool for 2 inch nuts
  8. 1 point
    Anglo Traction

    Ride On Mower Insurance

    Er .....it's the 5th of August today! , or should it be April Fools Day?. I won't be drawn any further on this one, wouldn't want to get political here
  9. 1 point

    Ride On Mower Insurance

    It say ride on mowers, not garden tractors, so as long as you dont have a cutting deck fitted then theres your loop hole Just attach the deck if you want to use it. And at the end of the day how on earth will anyone know you have one to say 'you must have insurance on that' ?
  10. 1 point

    Work on my Wheel Horse Raider 20 6X6

    If work continues at this pace then it looks like Cinders will be going to the ball.. Ok, maybe not a ball but something much more fun.. Rural Pastimes at Sedlescombe this coming weekend The outrigger cleaned up, red oxided and the middle sprocket cover trimmed to fit... The inner mount needs about an hours more welding done, most of that will be waiting for it to cool down again after welds! Then a quick coat of paint before bolting everything back together again
  11. 1 point
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