Howdo all, well I started the morning working on the brake caliper mountings on Why Not, but the got slightly distracted!
Would you look at all that space!! I could fit the GT and 3 more Wh's in
The extra space was made by moving a pile of wood and my tool chest, and also by turning the bench around that Why Not is on...
The reason for the space making.. You can just see it in front of the window..
Yep, that's right.. The lathe I was selling is no longer for sale
So.. Why the change of heart? The big problem I had with it was/is the shaft at the bottom with the pulleys in has some serious play.. Way too much to make it usable..
But this morning I was looking at it thinking I should really give driving the lathe straight from the motor a whirl..
So with the very worn drive chain removed, I threw a belt on to see how it went..
Not the best of photo's but the lathe can take some quite serious deep cuts, far deeper than my old Southbend lathe..
Quite a nice finish on this bit of bar as well..
So the plan is to use this lathe (a TW Monoturn) for taking the bulk of material off any turning that needs to be done and then finishing the details off on the Southbend..
I will be fitting a cooling system as the bigger the slices the more the metal gets hot...