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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2015 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    My Best Friends New Bolens HT23

    I found a Bolens HT23 on craigslist, my best friend and fellow collector Garoyl Humphrey from Vinita, Oklahoma has been on the hunt for one for some time. Initially he wanted a first year 1979 model, but after finding out about the selector knob on later models that allows the switching of the front and rear hydraulic lifts he realized that was too advantageous to pass up. The tractor was 1,033 miles due west of his location, in Flagstaff Arizona. He drove out there in one day slept in the truck, picked up the tractor, and returned that same day, well 3 am. He returned with a low hour 1985 Bolens HT23. Being in the desert the green faded in places, but the white stayed true as did the decals. The tractor ran strong and came with a front blade that both lifted and angled hydraulically, an authentic late model Brinly BB-1004 rear reversible blade, 3 point hitch, wheel weights and the small selector knob i mentioned on the rear fender, With petrol and cost of tractor he got out of the desert for less than 2500.00 US. BTW. The original owner ordered this from the factory without power steering. The reason why is that this originally had a snowblower and was used in the high Rocky Mountains not far away. You can tell the tractor had a snow blower by the front brackets that held the helper springs on the front of the frame. Back to the P/S the reason the owner did not want it was that the P/S comes directly off the pump, before any other systems, lifts or drive. With P/S power would b reduced from the drive unit and would also slow the front blower lift. I've driven these large frames sans power steering it doesn't take much more than two fingers IF the steering column and steering parts are in good order.
  2. 4 points


    I'm posting here George, rather than a PM, as your advice and comments may help others. Not just me. I've re-made the hitch, as ground clearance when traveling was very little. The next photo is it on 7-1/2" boards with plough fully down. Plough is not touching the ground. Front tip is 1-1/4" off the ground and rear is 1". I cannot get the plough level as no more adjustment. This last photo is of plough in position as if to start ploughing. I'm guessing here, that from my measurements, the plough will drag itself down to 6". Distance from share to inside of rear wheel is 6-1/2 inch. From your figures, guessing again, depth would be approx. 4". Again, your comments, suggestions and advice greatly appreciated.
  3. 2 points

    My Best Friends New Bolens HT23

    The manual I posted pretty much explains it. You raise the 3-PT to the top and then pull the knob/shaft. That moves a piece that will go between the frame and the arm on the 3-PT which keeps it in the raised position. That's useful for transport as it takes the stress off the hydraulics. It really has nothing to do with the operation of any front mounted attachments other than it allows you to use them without having to dismount any of the rear 3-PT attachments. If you disconnect the lift rod from the tractor's rockshaft to the 3-PT rockshaft, you can then use front mounted attachments without raising and lowering the 3-PT. Remember, the front and rear implements both raise and lower using the same points on tractor's rockshaft. I think once you guys get 'hands on it' you will see what I'm talking about. Now, just to add some more confusion, there were also optional 'lock up' kits for the tiller and front blade. Those allowed you to leave the tiller or front front blade mounted while you were using other attachments. Here's a link to a lockup kit for the front blade that was sold on eBay some time back. It's a long story, but I actually ended up with it as the 'winning bidder' was trying to pull some shenanigans. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NOS-Bolens-Model-18113-P-N-1736718-Blade-Lock-Up-Kit-Fits-ALL-Largeframes-/331480209892?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=uKx7K%252FIPo%252BFKzbCtAqstSTd4eAg%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&rmvSB=true
  4. 2 points

    My Best Friends New Bolens HT23

    It has nothing to do with the hydraulic system. It's a mechanical lock up for the 3-pt. It is a standard part for the 18086 3-pt hitch for the HT series tractors. It's generally missing on used 3-pt hitches because the PO didn't know, or didn't bother to remove it from the tractor. Here's the 18086 instruction manual that shows it and describes it's use. 18086_3pt_Instructions.pdf
  5. 2 points

    Fame at last !!

    I'll see what I can do...
  6. 1 point

    Painting Mom's House

    I painted Mom's house back in 1996 and it was in dire need again being almost 20 years ago. The brick was peeling badly so the first order of business was to power wash all the loose paint off (most of it), That took three days, next I carefully power washed the loose paint from the wood work. After it dries for a few days or week I will go after the peeling spots with a sander and use a heavy duty exterior oil primer. The whole house will then receive a coat of Glidden's Gripper primer (the best I've ever used), finishing up with two top coats of 100% Acrylic Latex Satin. There was rain both days i was using the power washer and as it cleared I snapped a couple pictures of a rainbow over the house. Mom's house is in Wichita Kansas, 175 miles North West of me, so I will be making several trips to complete the job. The nice part of the drive is going through the Flint Hills, almost 75 miles between towns. Many ranchers out here have between 100,000 and 500,000 acres, some even more, it's mostly unfenced and cattle graze at will. At Easter time they set the whole thing ablaze and hundreds of miles of prairie light the night time sky. This kills the weeds and small trees and allows the grass to grow back thick. I include the obligatory "selfie", showing I was concentrating intently on the road, while not shooting pictures.
  7. 1 point

    My Best Friends New Bolens HT23

    Thanks, I have several of the seminar books 1972, 1986, and 1996 the latter list these different and newer options and attachments. I understand now that the Bolens HT23, nor any Bolens, is like my Ariens GT14H which has two rock shafts or my Massey 1650, Massey 1450, and Wheel Horse D-160 which have two cylinders and a separate valve that can alternate between front and rear lifts. The guy he bought it from indicated a different explanation on the rear knob, I don't collect anything that new or with more than one cylinder, so I don't know. I appreciate the information and will pass it along and want to thank you for the time it took to explain it all, that was very considerate. Thanks, Alain
  8. 1 point

    Ringmer Steam and Country Show

    Much better off nice and cosy in a partly crushed caravan, covered in dust, bugs, BIG spiders and being watched by - - - - - - something.
  9. 1 point

    Painting Mom's House

    Thanks, It will be Bolens White and Newport Blue on the shutters
  10. 1 point
    the showman

    Fame at last !!

    Thanks Paul, nice to have my name in an American magazine again
  11. 1 point

    Fame at last !!

    Kate the editor has just messaged me on Facebook to say there will be photos of a certain Wheelhorse gathering in Septembers LAGT...
  12. 1 point

    Fame at last !!

    My copy arrived today as well. Good to see a mention in the magazine. It would be great to get some coverage of Rural Past Times with assorted garden tractors in action.
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