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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Thanks Norm Morning all, more progress has been made which is a good thing.. A pile of cleaned and primered parts stashed under the bench waiting for a top coat.. The rest of the suspension components were buried under a bench behind the engine, so of course the engine had to come out.. Might as well plonk it on the bench and have a look.. After cleaning the engine didn't look too bad, only a small bit of paint has come off.. Unsure it needs repainting at this point.. Will have to think on it. I also made a start sorting the radiator out.. As you can see a lot of fins need straightening out.. it's one of those jobs that gets done a bit at a time sitting at my desk with the heater blowing at me The exhaust system has been cleaned up and any pin holes found (each section was pressurised to find any leaks) and welded up.. Just for a laugh I thought I'd bolt the exhaust on to the engine to have a look... It looks rather mad
  2. 2 points

    Good Wood Revival Settrington Cup

    Probably about 1948
  3. 1 point

    O&R in the new shed

    Recently had a new shed built at the top of the garden, this gave me the opportunity to put some of the O&R collection on permanent display rather than hiding away in boxes...
  4. 1 point
    Looking good. Ian.
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