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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    rolloman 1

    My Gravely Pair

    Hi all on Saturday I pulled out from Hibernation these two Machines after a short time they both were running nicely . Both were given a wipe down with wd40 and some nice pictures taken for the forums hope you like
  2. 3 points
    I was surprised it is still a significantly popular material, primarily due to it's durable stability. Having shoved the engine to the back of the bench with a lightly cleaned Flywheel cover fitted after tapping out a few dents- I moved on to tackling the Clutch. This is the very first Villiers version of a unit that fitted directly onto the output side of the crankshaft. It was called the 'Villiers Free Engine Clutch' designed to allow Motor bicycles to be push started (no kick starts then) and then draw in the clutch to allow the rider to bring the machine to a halt and mount before pulling away smoothly/coming to a halt with the engine still running. I had a real challenge finding anything on this unit until I found a sectional image of it, but with no nomenclature- It was a start, but I had much trepidation about attempting to dismantle it without at least some info. I found only a brief reference to it in the books I had. After much searching, I actually found where the above pic was taken from. Some guy had taken it from an earlier publication (1st or 2nd edition) of 'The book of the Villiers Engine' by Cyril Grange . It described the whole thing, operation, dismantling and assembly in detail . Obsolete since the early 30s, I was on a 'no hoper' with spares. So I set to and began stripping it out. Major job trying apply forces to undo the Bell cover (N) despite having Knurling to show it was only hand tightened. Tried to release spring pressure on the plates by adjusting the cable tension, but overdid it and the cable pulled out of the aged nipple inside. Succeeded with same process as the Flywheel removal and used 'Sisal rope' with a tourniquet and injected some oil where upon all came apart. Multi layers of alternate steel and Bronze plates transfer the drive loads (7 of each) some are damaged and broken (not clear how?) - All removed and retained in their respective positions for cleaning and inspection, so they all go back the same way. A broken and bent plate was clearly put back and used like it, as wear is visible. Lot of work to make new ones, so will flatten and repair them as needed- Bronze plates are the 'Drivers' and steel ones are 'Driven'. I had dearly wanted to strip the Counter shaft completely, but it is impossible to release the Clutch body and it's retaining nut from the tapered end of the shaft- So I am having to work around the assembled shaft parts in situ for now. Maybe when/if it has been run for a while, it may ease up?. Cleaned all the constituent parts and quite impressed with the design. Felt Oil seal is rotted where the cable lead out exits, but will try and insert a new one- Cable adjuster spanner flats are rusted to nearly round, so made a new one with lock nut- Aged it by oil staining and roughing it up with a few burrs Confident I can get this bit working as it should, so onto the next bits
  3. 2 points

    Orline Cutoff saw

    Bought this as a bunch of pieces but it has all the important stuff like the gearbox with the pulley, the little V-belt, correct gas tank, ect. ect. Really just missing the engine, hardware and couple of small pieces. The locked up gearbox is soaking now but it seems like it's just the grease is hard as a rock. It should free up. It came in dirty but was easy to clean since it was already apart. Paint isn't too bad on this one. I have a couple of spare yellow Mustang chainsaws to use for donor parts, engine and the hardware. Missed out on a couple of these over the years and they don't seem to come up for sale as often so was happy to finally get one for the collection.
  4. 2 points

    Ohlsson & Rice: Orline Hedge Trimmer

    Finally started getting into my Orline Hedge Trimmer project. Was able to get it completely torn down and started the cleaning process this afternoon. I’ll be going through the engine too. You all weren’t kidding about watching out for little roller bearings! When I removed the blade rotary lobe mechanism each side was filled with bunches of tiny roller bearings. I was able to get all the old grease cleaned out and set the rollers back in the grooves. Pretty sure I didn’t lose any I failed to get some “before” pictures on this camera but I will try to add a few later, I think I got a couple on a different phone.
  5. 1 point

    Fastener Supplier

    These guys sell on ebay as well, they have many fasteners no longer available at most hardware store or spare shops. https://www.albanycountyfasteners.com/
  6. 1 point
    Anglo Traction

    Another Chainsaw Restoration

    Sorry Alain, I missed this one. Good looking machine after what you have done to it. The decal orientation does not affect it's appearance. Will it see/make some sawdust?.
  7. 1 point

    Kohler 301AS sump pan.

    There's a thread on Red Square in Engines on sump pans. Tells the differences between big and small block sumps.
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