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squonk last won the day on November 22 2018

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About squonk
  • Rank
    Firth of Fifth
  • Birthday 02/27/1959
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    Waterloo N.Y.
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  1. Thanks Chris! Haven't been on MOM much lately. Hope you and Pam are doing better. It's a full time job keeping nORM out of trouble on RS!
  2. I used one of those for my air compressor!
  3. squonk

    Spark Plug

    If I remember right I use Autolite 458
  4. So Norm, has your arm recovered from all the sanding?
  5. I went to a big Case tractor auction a couple years back. About 50 running units. The pedal tractors brought more than the full size ones!
  6. I've got that rear mount cultivator sitting next to my fake chicken coop in my front yard.
  7. Those rods develop cracks all the time. I've seen rods that look nice look not so nice after magnaflux or dye penetrant. Looks like it broke right where the rod starts getting big
  8. Nice Norm. It reminds me of when I did the C125 in my avatar. 'Cept I didn't have a gantry, operating table and a smarty pants heckling me!
  9. I can't believe all of the tractors like that we scrapped over here under the Bradford /Monte Carlo name. Used to find them in piles and we would make one good tractor out of about 10 of them.
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