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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Anglo Traction

    On a Roll with these now !.

    Put this machine to the test yesterday for my first attempt. Used 1.5mm thick copper for my 1 inch scale Water Cart tank. Marked and spotted first for 144 x 1/32"(.8mm) diameter rivets. Annealed and cleaned the sheets twice during bending. It will do for me as both halves rolled to identical diameters . Marked the adjuster knobs on the top Roll so I knew each is at the same setting-
  2. 3 points

    A horse and a Billy goat.

    Had another play with the suck it and see project. Modified the hitch, Billy Goat to tractor. Made it offset so the Goat is about 3" to the left of the tractor. This is so the tractor exhaust is clear of any hedge or tree low branches. Even threw some paint at it. Last week I did some work on sides and top for the Saxon trailer. All made out of scrap material I had lying about and also some of a neighbours. Everything can be dismantled in a few minutes. Yes! The sides are a bit short, but that is because the scrap ply was that length. At the rear, the back is held by the clips you see. The chamfers at the bottom allow the tailboard to open. To stop, (hopefully) grass/leaves being blown out, but let air through, a wire mesh covers the gap with hessian behind it. The hessian is a cut up shopping bag, that Carol was going to put in the rubbish bin. The vertical edges being trapped twixt end panel and side Next I'm going to have to spend some cash and buy a flexible hose 4" pipe. Still, shouldn't complain as expense so far has been zilch.
  3. 1 point

    A horse and a Billy goat.

    Last year on my annual trip down south, one of the things I returned with was this Billy Goat. There is a thread on it in Pedestrian machines. As you can see I'd been having a bit of a play with it. Today I dug it out of it's hiding place had more of a play with it. First I amputated it's back legs wheels. I then found these two pieces of scrap, plus the jaw plates removed from my Saxon trailer. They became this towing attachment for the front of the Billy Goat. Next job was a rear towing attachment. A length of 1"x1". Another of 1"x2". A couple of U bolts. Tow ball plus a spare spacer and I had this. At end of play this is how things look. There's still more to do and one or two alterations but so far so good. All made from scrap lying around, so zero cost. No Billy Goats were harmed and if needs be can be put back as was. To be continued.........
  4. 1 point
    Try putting the seals in the freezer for an hour before installation
  5. 1 point
    Maybe those old seals started at .031, and now after many years in the engine, they end up measuring .036 ? Gas, oil, heat, friction, time and you're measuring a worn seal. What does the shaft measure where the seal rides? Or maybe that's what you measured, IDK Seems to me a tight fit of .005 under for the ID is better than a loose fit of .004 over
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