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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Third time lucky??

    The Moorhens on the ponds by us, have not had much success raising young this year. The first nest, open to view, containing 8 eggs got robbed by crows. The second nest was built to low down and got flooded. The third nest built higher up and more concealed, looks like being more successful. It's directionally opposite the decking over looking the pond. I've been keeping a watch on it and the last few days there's been more activity by the parent birds. Had me thinking some chicks had hatched. This morning got some photo's. I can only make out three chicks, so more could be further back. 12 bore is at the ready for any visiting crows.
  2. 1 point

    Combine fun.

    Had a play with this 1980's MF 525 combine this afternoon. Not been run for around 10yrs at least and sitting with a flat tyre. Of course the flat had to be up against the wall and the combine leaning against it. I'm under there trying to blow the tyre up, with the compressor we brought down from the main farm. Luck was with us and the tyre inflated and stayed up. Next job was to see if it would start. New battery fitted and after some whirling, priming, fiddling and more whirling, the Perkins 3ltr something burst into life. So far so good. Now to move it. First we had to move the 1970's, I think it is, IH digger. That started with no problem. Always does with a squirt of Easy Start. It's always need Easy Start as long as I can remember. Back to the combine and it refused to move. Left hand wheel made an effort, but the right hand one refused to budge. Brakes seized was the first thought. But it had been left with the brakes of. Now I know nothing about these things, but weighing up the axle and hubs etc I came to the conclusion, due to no centre differential, the hubs are hydraulic driven. Back at the main farm, I had a look at an operators manual. This proved my suspicion. The wheels are hydraulically driven. But there was no info on stripping them. So my friend is going to get in touch with an agricultural fitter he sometimes uses.
  3. 1 point
    the showman

    Combine fun.

    Think you’re gonna need a bigger trailer
  4. 1 point
    Brilliant job Chris. Just needs the decals now. Your short dumpy legs fit well.
  5. 1 point

    Aquabug surprise!

    Here is another part I have made for the Aquabug, the carbs don't have the usual air filter, instead they have a gauze filter held with a plastic retainer. Neither of my two Aquabug's had the gauze so I cut a piece to size, I made a retainer from a shortened plastic end cap with a hole cut in the end. David
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