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Posts posted by S1g

  1. Made a bit of progress on this project today. Got the main parts primed and painted.

    After doing this I thought i'd better check out the chainsaw to see if it was savable.

    Fourtunatley it is good everywhere the disc cutter is bad so it will be full steam ahead

    with the rebuild.







  2. Fortunatley gasket sets, berrings and seals etc are still available and quite cheap so I ordered them

    off ebay. I managed to get a close match to the paint from Halfords,and have now started the laborious

    task of removing the paint. Photos of this will have to wait as im struggling to get my I phone to talk to the




  3. That's a bit of a mess. :(

    Agreed, it does look rather bad. However this is pretty much par for the course with disc cutters due to the environment they are used in.

    Parts for the rebuild are allready on order, the only thing I haven't been able to source yet is the air filter cover, if no luck then as a tempory messure I will fit the one off the chainsaw.

  4. The first thing with any project is to see what state its actually in. I learnt a long time ago

    with disc cutters because of all the stone dust the engines tend to be knackered. This one

    has proved to be no exception. The cylinder and piston are chewed up, the main berrings

    have gone, the clutch berring has also failed. Suprisingly enough though the crank feels

    ok. This would entail quite considerable expense, however as luck would have Stihl used

    the same engine unit in their 08s chainsaw and normally these tend to be good mechanically

    due to the saw dust being harmless to the engine. In my store ive got a broken one of these

    so hopefully I can have most of the bits off this doner.








  5. After looking for one of these early disc cutters for ages Ive finally purchased this

    one the other night off ebay. These were basically the early version of stihls infamous

    Ts 350, a machine that I used to do a lot with about 15 years, but even then these

    Ts 08's were just old junk. Today it arrived and after unpacking it I was able to see what

    I had bought. I believe it dates from around the mid to late 1960's.




  6. Hi Darren,your parts are going in the post today-I just hadn't had time to strip them till this morning sorry. Make sure you wash the filter when it arrives in petrol or similar as it may be a bit dirty. I know titch does the new I'd plates for the engine.

    It's starting to look really good, I usually paint mine in John dere green as I bought a very large tin of it way back.

  7. Cheers Paul....... Not sure where im going with this one after this afternoons discoveries! Looks like the engine could well be beyond economical repair, toast as they say!

    Despite being told it ran as recently as a year ago, I very much doubt its ran in the last 10!!!

    An ebay special... I will look this morning if I've got any spare bottom ends, as I said on the phone there's definatley some c12'sin a container that I can't get into at the moment thanks to scumbags trying to breakin but there might be some down the yard. If it's just rings then the last set I purchased from meetens were about £20 ( allthougth that was quite a few years ago). Otherwise you should be able to pick up a doner engine for a few quid off ebay or similar as there's still an awful lot out there. I purchased a howard demon a few years ago that had been run with low dirty oil, then found a similar engine at a car boot sale for £12 that meant I could build up one good lump out of the two so don't give up hope.

  8. I'll have look what's knocking about at work, the one container suffered an attempted breakin and after what they did to the door I can't get in to it at the moment, but I'm fairly sure I've got a box of carb bits in the one unit we haven't emptied yet.You'd be very lucky if the coil is any good as from memory the mk 12 uses the villiers ones instead of the better later wico's. Rings rarely give trouble and even if very worn will still run well, odds on the exhaust valve will be badly pitted. And/ or seat. Also honking the bore can work wonders.A lot of these engines had the oil bath filter as fitted to my howard 200 when on a cultivator, but if the clips are short it would of been the red filter, if I haven't got any left I know meetens still had some last time I asked but will have a look tomorrow when I'm at the unit.

  9. I did wonder about that, do the magnets on the flywheel operate correctly as, if I understand it correctly, it is the change in magnetic field that triggers the spark.

    (I will still get the flywheel off for a look first).

    Has allways worked for me, the flywheels are slightly different, but so long as you set the air gap right(use a spark plug box or cereal packet) then it's fit and forget, I usually pick up scrap mowers for around a fiver at sales to use as a doner.

  10. Perhaps I shouldn't but when ever I have a Briggs of this engine playing up I usually obtain a later scrap one of similar size etc and simply cut the points out and bolt the coil with the built in electronic unit in place and never have any further trouble with it.

  11. Finally picked this up yesterday, and got through 40quids worth of diesel. According to the computer my worst mpg was down to 5 but averaging around the 30's so quite pleased as its so nice to drive on the motorway and in towns but would still prefer a manual for the country roads.

  12. Doesn't always work that way, Chris. My late alsatian had big paws as a pup, but she grew up small for her breed.

    couldn't agree more, my ten year old Labrador is still the size of a 8 month old pup, yet when she was small she had the biggest paws I'd ever seen, and her dad was huge. Nice looking pup mark, bet it's playfull.

  13. Have you considered using a helicoiled nut? They are in use from the factory on a lot of the breakers that I work on. Stops things comming undone or stripping probably down to the wound spring gripping the threads tighter.

  14. I'll stand corrected, but my understanding is that any anti speed devices, be they cameras, vans or being operated by police officers, should be plainly visible.

    it was from the other direction but not this way, also when I went back up the road there was a very small sign that has been there for months,(scince they dropped the speed from 40 to 30) I could fight it but if I lose I will have to pay court costs, a bigger fine and could get 6 points. I know what will happen next time a copper asks for help... Simply be told to eff off! Out in the sticks with us they relie on the community helping them police the area, well I won't be anymore that's for sure. Ok I was technically breaking the law but I allways drive at a speed that I feel is safe for the conditions etc and can't be that far out as I've kept a clean licence for 18 years, only ever been done for speeding by the French police up till nowand that was with them hidding behind an embankment as I was comming down off a dual carriageway where the speed limit dropped drastically. I just wish they would target proper criminals instead of using motorists as a mobile ATM!
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