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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. I wonder if it was built under licence and another name? The wheels look the same as a Staub Lunic.
  2. Just over the Border, Harry.
  3. Neil's right. It's a Staub Lunic.
  4. Could be they were change to replace a solid axle now you mention it, Chris.
  5. The suspension looks like Indespension units. Are the wheels the same as mini ones? I may be wrong but it looks home made to me. The units look welded on, not bolted as I would expect from a manufacturer.
  6. The Turf Truck would be handy. I also like the 3-Wheeler.
  7. That looks tidy. What is it?
  8. I'm not sure about that, Alan. One will take up a lot of his workshop space.
  9. I'd find that a hard decision to make due to its rarity. Bit big for Chris's lawn, but great for the green and verges I mow. Bet it will sup the juice though.
  10. Some people have nothing better to do. But I suppose it's better than working for a living.
  11. I don't know anything about these engines, but the idle screw as you call it, is it not a throttle setting screw. To set the speed of the fan?
  12. We need to know what your wanting for it.
  13. That has been considered.
  14. Forms aren't out yet Dave. There is a web site. Google Hethersgill Vintage Rally 2018. We'll be having a committee meeting next week all being well. Had to cancel last week because of the snow. We do know it will be at Carlisle Airport as usual.
  15. Very rare to get snow here, Dave. All round on the fells and over on the Scottish side.
  16. First time in four years we've had snow. All gone now. Just a wet, slippy, soggy mess.
  17. You do know you have a 7mth deadline to get it finished, Ian?
  18. I guessed there was a new crazy, mad, crackers, stark raving mad creation on the cards, when you said you were paying Chris a visit. Will it be ready for August, for me to try on my annual jaunt darn sarf?
  19. Did you check his other pocket? I used to work with a chap who carried two wallets. One had a fiver in, the other was for the tens and twenties.
  20. You could have got more in there, Chris. It's only half full.
  21. Hethersgill Vintage Rally. 2018. May 6th. Heathersgill Vintage Club Ltd for details. Rally and Craft Fair.
  22. Back row and miss most of the film?
  23. Last time I was at the pictures was about 50yrs ago. The Dirty Dozen. You just have to wait maybe a year or so and the films come on the box.
  24. The business with the Russian planes and ships has been going on for some time. Not only in the channel, but the North Sea as well. Russian subs frequently, so I am lead to believe, are active close to our territorial waters. Putting the English Channel aside, the North Sea activity and air space is seen by our powers that be, as testing how quickly we will react. As for the French, as far as I am concerned the least said the better. The ordinary people I've no problem with. It's the politicians.
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