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Everything posted by CNew
  1. Awesome- glad you were able to free that thing, what a pain!
  2. CNew

    tiny tiger

    Ha, yeah I saw that - still seems just a tad too high... but way better than $610!
  3. Perfect, thank you sir - that’s exactly what I needed!
  4. I thought I remembered seeing in the recoil rebuild instructions or somewhere the correct length of the pull rope but now I can’t seem to find it. Does anyone know what the length is suppose to be?
  5. Man, what a pain! Im guessing the tool steel is too hard to drill a hole in it.
  6. Wow, you’ve really jumped in there and gone to town on this one. Fun to see this thing coming apart and all the things you’re discovering. Thanks for all the pictures! Bummer on that hex getting jammed in there, I don’t think I have any helpful suggestions just yet... hmmm
  7. Exactly what I was thinking and hopefully I’ll be that next guy - if I can ever find one of these...
  8. Very cool, that’s going to be a great project! Take lots of photos for documentation along the way...
  9. Keep me posted on what y’all end up doing on the generator... I might throw my hat in the ring too
  10. I think in this case the original decal is the way to go, it’s not damaged that badly and it maintains some of the original elements and character of the unit. Looks cool! I claim Vulture #2, JustO&R can be Vulture #1... I feel like I just entered a warped version of a Dr Seuss classic...
  11. Yes birds of prey, I like that - my parents actually do Falconry of all things...
  12. You’ve got that right
  13. Interesting, EDM would be good for that. Might start to get a little pricey...
  14. Looks good! I’ll get the larger decal in the mail to you. This circle cutter is coming in pretty handy...
  15. Nice Glad to hear the one you got right might also have the right tension properties... now how do we determine what those are so we can match to a source?
  16. Maybe it’s less about an exact thickness and more about the springiness (that’s the scientific term) of the metal... I’m guessing there are all sorts of grades of springiness to thickness ratio for spring steel shim stock. The one you sent me is the one in the photo with the micrometer measurement. I think Scott is looking for one for his carb and Wallfish started looking at how to maybe make theses since they’re starting to be hard to get these days.
  17. I’ll take a couple more measurements tomorrow. A punch would be the way to go. Keep us posted.
  18. Looks like 0.005” Wow, those look pretty good now I’m going to have to try it....
  19. Great idea! I have one of those and will have to try it!
  20. I sent these to Titch this last week and checked with him today. He’s working on getting us an estimate and it sounds like he’s anxious to make us some.
  21. Started tinkering with an idea for a stand this afternoon. If I go this route I’ll need to cut the mount, drill and tap, add some small rubber feet to the base, etc. With this setup I could make it adjustable as well and the suspended height will also be ready for a cut-away gearbox some day. I stuck an old engine on there to sort of get a visual. Of course when it’s mounted to the bar it’ll hand about 2” lower.
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