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Everything posted by CNew
  1. Well, whoever it was got a pretty good deal. I’m a little bummed because I told the seller I would go up on my counteroffer but didn’t get a response. Then it sold for less than where I was at and where the seller was bottoming out. O’well, live and learn... again...
  2. I hold very much appreciate some high quality photos and dimensions of both the Chip-a-Saw and Paul Bunyan decals. I’d like to try to work with Titch but he needs some good images and dimensions.
  3. So who was the lucky one that won the Kenco water pump? That is a really nice looking pump, probably very little run time. I made an offer but just couldn’t quite convince myself to go as high on the counter.
  4. Cool, just saw the dark green recoil housing and didn’t even consider the gear box...
  5. Thanks for posting the pics, that thing is really cool! I like how it breaks apart, neat design. Is that a Type 133 engine?
  6. Nice! Looking forward to some final photos!
  7. https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vintage-gas-powered-toy-motorcycle-1919183756
  8. Too many people probably got hurt, looks like an odd contraption.... but fun!
  9. Anyone ever seen or have one of these Eel Wheels? https://oldminibikes.com/forum/index.php?media/eel_wheel_003.54409/
  10. I got the carb lever arm off to that guy... I’m curious, what all is required to convert one of these to a glow engine?
  11. Great, thanks! I was wondering if maybe it was some sort of trimmer application, can’t think of much else that would have the vertical tank configuration.
  12. Any ideas what application a Type 150 would have been used for?
  13. CNew

    tiny tiger

    It shouldn’t be an issue, especially since most of the rim looks ok, it just has to make contact with the bottom of the carb when the lever is pushed down. I’ve seen much worse that still work.
  14. CNew

    tiny tiger

    That’s not too bad, nice job flattening it out. I think it should still work, it’s definitely worth a try anyway.
  15. I didn’t see any dates printed on the manual.
  16. CNew

    tiny tiger

    Sent you a PM on the lever arm.
  17. CNew

    tiny tiger

    The broken cassette player for the little rod is a great idea. I will also look for a lever arm this evening.
  18. That’s almost identical, nice!
  19. That’s for certain, these parts are becoming really hard to come by anymore. I’ve had to make my own of the little rod that goes in the carb. The springs and lever arms don’t ever seem to come up online.
  20. CNew

    tiny tiger

    I will take a look through my parts later this evening and see what I can come up with.
  21. As Wallfish commented, we can probably help you out with the lever arm. I’ll look around later this evening.
  22. CNew

    tiny tiger

    If you do end up needing a replacement diaphragm and gasket for the carburetor there are a couple of us that can help or you could grab one on eBay right now, only 2 left. This is a great seller and is good about combining shipping charges. This is a good price as well. https://www.ebay.com/itm/O-R-NEW-DIAPHRAGM-95-2/362882310541?hash=item547d78a18d:g:NhwAAOSwljFeHqTF https://www.ebay.com/itm/O-R-NEW-GASKET-PART-NUMBER-05-36/192851321302?hash=item2ce6d5a1d6:g:RzMAAOSw3bBcgw4N:sc:USPSFirstClass!85249!US!-1
  23. Thanks JustO&R! I don’t need one at the moment, but it’s good to have confirmation on the part number.
  24. David, I’ve never seen the 200576 part number for a starter spring. I’ve seen 200005 for the 13B/20A. The inner coil of the spring looks different between the two part numbers. Was the 2000576 a special spring or a later part improvement?
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