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Posts posted by CNew

  1. I hear ya, I think I’m going to start tackling this fan.  Terry has been cranking through these. I’m still making slow progress on that Clinton outboard. I’m having to fully strip the paint which is tedious. I think it’s going to look cool when I’m done though.


    Turns out the main fan shroud on the Orline looks to be either a molded plastic or fiberglass material.  I thought it might be metal...

  2. By the way, I’m curious what are you all using these days for cleaning the painted pieces? That old paint seems to be really sensitive to a lot of basic cleaners. I’ve tried Simple Green and I think it might not be good for the paint, warm water and dish soap, etc. Maybe one of those milder or diluted citrus degreasers?

  3. Nice, I can’t even count how many times I looked at that thing and debated on getting it. Is that an Octura carb or some other make?

    25 minutes ago, JUST O&R said:

    Always wanted one of those boats I don't  ever see a white heat for sale


    Pretty sure there was a white heat on eBay a couple months ago but it went for big $$$, pretty cool boat!

  4. Hallelujah, it finally arrived!  At a quick glance I don’t see any damage from shipping. I thought for sure at 17 days in transit it was bound to get banged up.  I’ll have to verify after further inspection.





  5. I should probably spend less time looking for/at O&R stuff and actually rebuilding them... it’s addicting!  I enjoy trying to hunt down stuff. I don’t have the skills of David but it’s satisfying to stumble on to the odd ones once in awhile.

  6. On 2/3/2018 at 5:14 PM, factory said:

    This arrived a couple of weeks ago, a fairly early 1960's type 98 engine, the paint colour is original as far as I can tell, I haven't seen another in this unusual colour.

    If anyone knows what tool it may have been used for please let me know.






    The tank bracket & strap needed a bit of adjustment and some screws, now reassembled.







    Not 100% certain but this engine may have gone to a Rota Shear lawn edger. I came across this website and it looks to be a similar color. I contacted the owner and asked if he would post some additional photos. Look at the additional link on this page next to the little pics where he added some really nice high resolution photos.



  7. At first glance it looks like an earlier style carb that has the side needle and then someone added the more recent needle to the top where it would have originally just had a screw. It also looks like someone tried a plastic diaphragm. And, it appears to be missing the Governor stop set screw.

    By the way, we should start looking for a small engine show or tractor show and see if we can’t all meet up there sometime...

  8. I’ll try to get by the post office this week and send you both a piece of this gasket paper. Then, we can all assess if we think it will work for these specific gaskets. If so, then we can see what Eric would charge to CAD them up and laser cut us a batch.  Just want to make sure we have a good gasket material selected for this- I’m pretty certain it’ll work but I’d like other experts to weigh in on it.


    In the mean time if one of you with a NOS gasket wants to send me a good photo of each gasket I can send the photos to Eric and get him thinking about it, and maybe quoting the job while we get a consensus on the gasket material.


    let me know what you think!

  9. 1 hour ago, JUST O&R said:

    I know talked about this before but did anyone figure out what gasket material to use for the A-13-18 induction gasket

    and the 5-6 feather valve gasket?


    I have a big roll of this vegetable fiber gasket material in the 0.006” thickness. It seems to be very close to the original gasket material. Let me know if you want to try some.


  10. I had one come in like that too, stunk to high heaven and must have been 50yr old varnish. I couldn’t believe it wasn’t caught in the mail and stopped. It leaked in the package too.  I cleaned the tank and it still stinks.  Maybe I should try citrus in it.

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