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Posts posted by CNew

  1. 7 hours ago, JUST O&R said:

    Ok witch one of you got the manhole fan?



    Well, I ended up spending money I didn’t really have at the moment but for something that unusual I had to at least try for it. Wife ain’t going to be too happy about it but I’ll figure out something to backfill the shortfall. Not my most expensive O&R but pretty close.  Can’t wait for it to get here, hopefully it won’t end up somewhere with the cutoff saw...

  2. Seller added the tracking number, just hasn’t answered any of my inquiries.


    I just checked the tracking status and finally there is new info. Apparently it arrived late last night at some distribution center in Denver. Looks like it’s on the way to the next destination (hope that destination is my house...).  For the price of this really slow shipping they could have just sent it Priority...

  3. Thanks JustO&R-  I think I’m ok at the moment, nothing specific that I know of that I need. I think I’m on the hunt just like everyone for those hard to find parts like seals. I don’t have much in the way of parts for the 20A engines but then again I only have a couple of those and I’m not sure how likely it is that part of the collection will grow. I’m more interested in things with the 13A & B Engines.

  4. We’ll I’m really starting to lose hope. 11 days later and still no sign of the cut off saw being delivered. There also hasn’t been any update to the tracking status.  I’ve submitted two formal search requests through USPS and had zero response. I’m starting to think they probably destroyed by rough handling it somewhere along the way and then to avoid a claim they conveniently “lost” it...  I hate to think that but the lack of response has been pathetic!  And now I may be out a pretty penny and never end up getting the saw.:angry::banghead:

  5. I’m starting to get a little nervous about my cutoff saw. It was supposed to have been delivered yesterday and the tracking info is also jacked up now and apparently not working. I have a request in to USPS to see if they can help sort it out. I just hope the seller did a decent job packing that thing (I sent a nice note asking for extra care but got no response). I hope it isn’t another disastrous repeat of the little red engine with the crunched gas tank...

  6. Wow, a whole gasket kit. It would certainly work but you’ll need that kit when you dig into your 20A. I thought maybe some of the seals might be floating around out there in separate packages or maybe even some good condition used ones. 


    I really appreciate the offer but you should probably keep that for your own project, unless you have multiples of these kits.



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