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expeatfarmer last won the day on September 26 2023

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About expeatfarmer
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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday March 25
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  1. In case the text gets lost in the header section. Sadly Stormin passed away very suddenly last Monday as a result of a stroke. He visited me the day before and seemed his normal self so it was a real shock. His funeral will be held at Carlisle crematorium on Thursday 5th October at 12.20 Our thoughts are with his partner Carole and their family.
  2. Sorry I missed you Norman, it was a very good show loads of bric a brac and parts dealers as well as exhibitors. Apparently visitor traffic was chaotic but camping on site saved all of that.
  3. Spent a very enjoyable four days at the Shrewsbury Steam Fair recently, camped on site with excellent facilities and good site only spoiled by a knob with an industrial generator who parked next to us, I queried the need and he said it was to run the fridge and not to worry he would turn it off at 10 pm WE MOVED. Amazing spectacle with 94 large steam traction engines numerous statics and 25 scale steamers as well as cars, bikes, militaria, tractors ,horses and stationary engines. Live displays of sawmills, see saw ploughing with twin engines, a cider mill ( selling disgusting cider ). The weather was good , multiple food outlets from all over the world and a very good bar and entertainment tent with various tribute bands at night. The steam powered funfair was amazing especially when lit up at night. I would recommend anyone to go next year if you have the chance.
  4. Thanks for the photos Norman I was hoping to go but had another session in hospital just home now.
  5. Janet and I spent two days at the Supercar Show at Sywell aerodrome. Show was amazing weather perfect but once you've seen 1 Lamborghini , Bugatti , Ferrari, Maclaren. Konigzed etc I took a picture for you guys!
  6. Nearly no head if I remember Norman!!
  7. We are looking at possibly downsizing and need to clear some more toys, I have listed my two sand skimmers on the old Flea bay hoping they will go to a collector not a breaker. One is complete and could be worked ( with a new flat belt ) the other is a chassis engine and drive with a huge pile of new old stock parts to enable a rebuild. Both have good running ( 5 years ago ) engines,
  8. Great pictures Norman it was a good day in spite of mediocre weather. Well done to all concerned.
  9. Thanks for the update Norman I hope to attend as a visitor with my neighbour Ken. Hope the weather is good.
  10. Is that a lefthand haggis or a righthand? Which way was it running around the hill?
  11. That is good news Norman I shall look forward to it.
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