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Posts posted by Ian

  1. Not much of an update I'm afraid, but work on "Why Not" has started again..


    After a much needed clean-up in the shack the rest of the Reliant axle was stripped down..





    All the brake gubbins was removed from the axles..    The steel bar behind the axle is what I will be making the sleeves out of.





    One side of the axle housing cleaned up and unneeded brackets removed...  I may or may not reuse the outer axle mounts, so they will stay on for now until I decide.





    Then after a chat with Nigel about how "Why Not" should look when it's finished, I found myself armed with a craft knife, a can of silver polish, and an old sock!!





    And polished up a bit of one of the rocker covers to see how it looked!       I fear a "full on" custom paint job may be in order :D





  2. I stumbled across this while looking on a car forum and thought you would all like to see it..


    A French chap built this bike from a 2CV to escape the desert..





    You can read the full story below..



  3. Awesome, some of those bumps on the 6x6 look like you need a seatbelt! :o


    I'm not sure a seat belt is need quite yet Mark, but a bit less speed would of made the runs a bit smoother :D




    Great to see the 6x6 having a good workout Ian

    Sounds like you made the commentators day Nigel


    Thanks Neil, it was good to give the 6x6 a good workout at last even if I did manage to break a weld again while ploughing :D


    I bet the commentator is now having nightmares about any strange machines appearing in the arena while he has the mic in his hand :D




    i think we all had a great time weather was good to :D


    We did mate, it was a very good weekend.. Roll on next years show :thumbs:




    Best part of. The video for me was Mr showman with my colwood, new I could turn him from them Old wheelhorses, already had him on a proper tractor to this year as in my monarch just proves you need a change mate lol


    That may be wishful thinking Steve, I think Chris is too far gone to be converted from the "Red side" :D

  4. Top marks, I think you should do this for a living Ian,and I think I might take up commentary.


    Thanks Steve, maybe we should tour the shows armed with a microphone and video camera :D




    another great vid ian is there still one to come? :D


    Patience glasshopper, "that" video is on the way :D




    nice video mate we all had a good laugh that day :D


    We did indeed mate, it was a great day :thumbs:



    Here's the next two vid's guy's, and two more to come once they are uploaded :D




  5. I thought the colour of the Ribena mobile would raise a few eyebrows :D


    YE GODS, Ian.   :blink:


    It's not that bad Norm.. :D




    Trust you to not buy a boring colour Ian... surprised its not WH red though...  :)


    You know me Paul, why play by the rules and be a sheep.. Baaa




    I like different though wouldn't choose purple Ian.... Missus would though, her last car was a really kooky blue, never saw the same colour again.

    Here's my current car, though I didn't choose the colour it just arrived that way....



    Purple is not for everyone, but my wife rather likes it so I'm happy..  Yellow cars are cool, we had for a short while a bright yellow Seat er.. Can't remember the model.. Called it the flying banana :D




    One of the few benefits of being colour blind!
    No wonder you have been poorly mate!


    Very good Andrew, that made me laugh :lol:




    my missus would love the purple car

    speaking of cars she should have picked her  freelander up by now 


    You could have the Freelander resprayed in purple as a birthday pressie for Madeline :D


    Well, we picked up the Ribena mobile this afternoon, and it's quite a good machine other than the radio refusing to work and then suddenly picking up a French radio station!!

    I'm just happy my wife has a reliable car to drive through winter now :thumbs:

  6. Have you ever noticed how most cars on the road are the same boring colours?

    My wife and I went for a drive last Sunday and kept an eye on car colours....  silver, silver, black, dark silver, white, blue, silver, silver, black, black, red, white, silver, silver..  You get the idea!!


    Our little drive was to a car dealers which reinforced our boring car colour theory when confronted by this line up!!





    So why did we drive to a car dealers full of boring coloured cars?? Some of you will know what's coming next :)


    The car we had come to see (and will collect tomorrow) is a bit more interesting colour wise..


    Introducing the Ribena mobile :D





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