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Posts posted by Ian

  1. No photo's for this small update, it was a frustrating day yesterday!!

    After all the chopping about of the outrigger again, the chain that had been a pain was sorted and fitted well..   Shame the last chain to go on is giving the same problems!!   Yes, that's right... It's too long or too short!!  :banghead:

    I'm going to try swapping the chains about today as I think one is slightly shorter than the other and see if that helps..

    I'm also wondering how much the chains have stretched during their short but very hard life on the 6x6, so some new chain has been ordered it should be here Wednesday..


    Oh.. I also had to drop the 6x6 down on her wheels yesterday so I could roll her back a bit and get some working space at the front..

    The weight balance is interesting.. I'd say that 52% of it is in front of the middle axles, with the 3 point put back on it might even have 50-50 balance!!     Until I sit my fat 'orse on the seat of course, then the front goes up :D

  2. Welcome to MOM Ray, good luck with your search, sickle mowers are very few and far between.. Be sure to let us know how the search is going.. Which model Wh do you plan the sickle mower on?


    Edit - Just seen the thread title.. A C-160

  3. Get this update done take 2.. I did try this morning but ended up only typing one line in an hour odd due to slight distractions in the shout box :D


    I'm in danger of getting distracted again, it's only been 13 min's since I typed the above line, so I'd better get on with it!!


    First of all a big THANK YOU to Doug (Ranger) for sending me a pair of late Mini (a Mini as in the proper car not the German thing!) 12 inch wheels which bolt straight onto the Reliant axle.. Thanks Doug, your a gent :thumbs:

    And second of all, another big THANK YOU to Bryan the mad Reliant man for the prop shaft.. I know it's unlikely your be reading this, but thanks anyway :thumbs:


    By the way, if you ever want any expert advice on how to wrap stuff for shipping, Doug's the bloke to speak to :D


    Anyway, have a photo of the wheels and prop shaft.





    The wheels will need a bit of banding (widening) to get normal size WH rear tyres on, it would be something I would normally do myself but do to the er... interesting speeds "Why Not" could reach I'm going to take them to an engineering company to get widened instead.. Best play it safe on this me thinks :)





    Out of interest I slipped an over wide tyre on the rim..





    Just to see how it looked.







    The prop shaft was up for the chop next, after some careful measuring the end of the prop was cut off which was all i needed.





    Splicing the Honda and Reliant props together should be quite simple, I will just make a collar that fit's both sizes and weld it all together.





    Before I started thinking about narrowing the axle I thought it would be wise to balance a few bit's together to see how it looked with the fill width axle..







    With the main body tub cut to fit over the diff, "Why Not" didn't look to bad from the front..





    But from the back!!!!!      Yes, I think the axle does need to be narrowed :D





    Hurrah!! I managed to get all this update done :D

  4. What was he chiseling? :D


    Marine ply board..




    Sounds to me that the trailer should not have been on the road :o


    It wasn't that bad Chris, one wheel only sunk though an inch or so. 3 inches below the board is the steel trailer frame which would of stopped Noddy going and deeper if it had got that far..




    Jeez, what hell was he doing?


    :D  The new board needed to be notched to fit around the holes the uprights slot into..

    You should have told him to use a wooden mallet, not a lump hammer. :rolleyes:


    I don't have a wooden mallet, only a rubber one which tends to bounce off the top of a chisel :D

    Anyway, don't take this post to seriously chaps, I thought you'd like a laugh at the poor chisels.. I certainly laughed when the first one bent :D

  5. Thanks Doug, I'm hoping I have the problem sorted now but I do have some nylon block on standby just in case it's needed :)


    After having a few days off from this project for rural past times and then a few more days off because I'm an old fart with an iffy hip, I finally got back to work on the 6x6 today..


    The chain problem turned out to be a welding problem in the end, the problem being me welding the middle bit of the out rigger back in upside down! In theory the holes should of ended up in the same place but in real life they didn't!


    So after a bit of measuring off came the outrigger.. Again...





    Then some more measuring and marking out.. All the holes needed to be moved 5mm forwards and 2mm up.. Taking the extra mm into account I marked the outrigger so the bit with the holes could be cut out and turned around putting the holes in the right place.





    Chopped out and tack welded back in.. The wheel looks a lot straighter now, I don't know how I missed it first time around!





    Mondays job is to fully weld it up, then fingers crossed the chain will go back on with no problems this time..

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