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vegikev last won the day on April 29 2018

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About vegikev
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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/24/1975
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    faversham kent uk
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  1. Hi, I believe that you have a British Anzani Powermow.  I would greatly appreciate the dimensions of the front rollers.



  2. Well all back at home now After a smashing weekend, we had a gigantic turnout of exhibits of over 263 exhibits to mark the 25th anniversary of the VHGMC !!! Great to see new exhibitors , some new to tractorfest and some first time exhibitors, and of course our regular exhibitors from as far as Belgium, Cumbria, stoke on Trent Norfolk, and devon all adding to the count . 38 entries to the arena with a children's special. I would like to thank all exhibitors who attended as this would be impossible to acheive with out your efforts. I would like to give an extra thanks to Phil Murrell who managed to bring 85 Exhibits from his collection. A special thanks to Ethan Castle for setting up the howard theme that had a quite impressive line up. Tomorrow is the start of planning towards next year event which will feature dashwood/landmaster for th 17th and 18th of August 2019. Once again many thanks to all for your support in making biddenden tractorfest the great show that it is, hope to see you all next year
  3. yes norm, thats the official total so far but will be a few more yet i predict not sure yet, will see whats what when we set up
  4. hi all we have a massive 220 exhibits entered this year so far... passes are in the post this week,also a map for the new site which is only 10 minutes away from the old site. please note that you MUST bring your entry letter with you any questions please feel free to contact me many thanks kevin and ethan
  5. Will have to look at yhat nearer the time i think, as its a new site theres still a lot of work going on with layout etc Of course but no snoring lol
  6. Lol . Its just clay mate, gonna be really sticky or really hard, not good either way
  7. To all those who are exhibiting horticultural equipment Just to let you know that unfortunately due to the type of ground on site we will not be having a working area anymore. On the plus side you can relax. Many thanks for your support
  8. Not yet norm. Looking at mid to late june
  9. Hi all, we currently have 150 machines booked in for tractorfest, looking like another great line up, looking for more howard machines, so if you have one and would like to exhibit please drop me a line and we can get some forms out to you
  10. Hi all, i know biddenden tractorfest ended just a few days ago but we have to start early on next year Next years theme is howard machinery and its connecting manufacturers, its also the 25th anniversary of the vhgmc. So if you have a howard, clifford, dowdeswell or bolens then please contact me if you can attend. As always other manufacturers are also most welcome. Biddenden tractorfest will be held on the 18th and 19th august 2018, many thanks
  11. Ethan Castle and myself would like to thank all that attended tractorfest over the weekend for your support, in fact we had bucket loads of support from everyone, wether you run around a field with an orange ice cream, or orange tabbard, or helped lay out the wonderful display items that you all took along. But out of all the support we had, by far the best bit was everyone had a smiles and laughs. In total we had 118 individual exhibits as well as the gazebo and caravan displays which is the highest yet for btf. Hope you can all make it again next year. Oh and a special sorry and thanks to Lisa Castle who has to put up with ethan and i all year round with tf talk. Again many thanks to all of you
  12. Just to let you know that entries are now closed for the horticultural section as our camping area is now full. Big big thanks to all that have entered ( almost 100 exhibits) Sorry to those that wanted to but have not yet entered.
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