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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2014 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Ransomes roller rescue

    The Honda engined machine also had its issues despite bills for over £1100 (yes, you read that right) in the last six months! Problems included collapsed front roller bearings, seized/worn out traction clutch push rod, sticky, incorrectly set up main clutch , four inch crack in the engine platform and strangely enough considering that new cylinder bearings had been fitted, unequal length reaction springs on the cutter unit! All fixable with knowledge, attention to detail and a bit of graft. The collapsed roller bearings were a bit tricky as the outer races were buried deep in the roller end caps and required the old trick of running a bead of weld around the inside of each race which when cooled shrinks and loosens race. A sharp tap and they fell out. Have tried to upload some images but although I succeeded yesterday, today it just sits buffering. The only thing that's changed is an upgrade to iOS8. Hope that it's not that as it will mean a bug fix from Apple! Going to email the images from the iPad to the PC and see if I can post them from there. Looks like that has worked!
  2. 2 points

    Project: 'TBD'

    Kohler K181? Peerless 1200 series transaxle, Ford Model Y rear wheels...so far I started as a tubular frame tractor, something a little different? But it is starting to be inspired by the Villiers Bike, there are plans to build a trailer to tow the bike I'll try my best Niget!
  3. 1 point

    What lathe have you got?

    My small lathe is a 12"X24" sears Atlas my larger one is a 1910 18" Greeves Klusman
  4. 1 point

    Project "Why Not"

    It is indeed Mark.. Shame it's taken my brain so long to work it out Thanks mate, the welds get better Thanks Ben. Thanks James, I've not quite mastered it yet but I'm getting there.. More mounts almost made up.. And tweaked a bit to give a bit more space around the starter motor.. They bolt here.. The only trouble with recycling steel is it needs a good clean up first.. This was part of the filming trailer I built ages ago but never used! Cleaned up and welded on.. And on to today's fun and games, starting with the remains of the frame that the engine top mount was once attached to.. I only needed the threaded tube bit's.. You can just about see it in this balancing act of bits of metal.. Its the bit with the masking tape on it that was being marked out for more trimming. After a day of careful measuring, cutting, welding and getting really confused until I realized the radiator is mounted on the engine an inch more to the right than left (why did Honda want everything on the outside of this engine offset from the center?), I had come up with most of the engine mounting frame.. I still need to make some cross members for it, but I'm happy with how it's turning out As I'm only using one of the engine mounting places at the top of the engine, I will be making some mounts which will go forward from the threaded stud and join onto my engine frame. So does the hood still fit? That would be a Yes
  5. 1 point

    Cadet 81, new arrival

    Methinks you need a bigger shed, Paul. Not just a trailer.
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