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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2016 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Thanks to Nigel I now have a nice pair of Spax adjustable coil over shocks... Shorten the springs a little bit and some new top mounts on the frame and they should work
  2. 1 point

    Reclaiming my workshop

    I had planned to build a new workshop and as such I was not too concerned about my workshop space being used for storage. A new workshop is not on the cards for a while now and my current workshop is so full I can't actually do anything. As such I decided to build a temporary tractor store and have a complete move around, which hopefully will give me my workshop back and put everything in a logical place. It will take a while! This the new temporary store which is 20x9ish foot Today I emptied my workshop so I could get to the tractor stand at the back I then moved the tractors down and out before dismantling the stand The stand will be modified and reassembled in the new temporary store. With some of the tractors outside it gave the opportunity for a tractor line up (complete with my helpers) I started to run out of time so all the equipment got hurried back into the workshop. Tomorrows job try and get everything back in the workshop and start modifying the tractor stand. Time for a beer or two now If anyone is interested in the way this progresses I will update as things move on. Progress will be slow. Iain
  3. 1 point
    Mister Mad Mower

    Reclaiming my workshop

    When i was a local councilor , our local police woman came along to a meeting to ask for £10k towards the cost of smart water for around 1/4 of the village households . Not a big request , but when she explained that the police were going to be going around the carboot sales checking for smart water marked items for sale .And that any one found selling marked items could be taken into custody till the results came back to prove if the marked item is not stolen - We refused the police the money . So just a thought - if your on your way back from a show with your prized and marked possesions in the back of a van , and are pulled over for a " routine check " by a policeman with a dragon light ( UV lamp ) .I suspect that you could be held without charge till the results come back , could be a long weekend in the nick especially if your just heading off on a bank holiday weekend - lol ...
  4. 1 point

    Latest addition to the herd

    I must admit I agree with Ian. Mudguards and a tool box under the seat.
  5. 1 point

    Latest addition to the herd

    That's a great find Harry, looks like a very capable and fun machine I may well be the only one thinking like this but I prefer the look without the rear bodywork.. If it were mine I'd fit some arches and a panel to go under the seat rather than find the original bodywork... I think I just don't like the shape of it.. But that's just me
  6. 1 point

    Period Tow car

    Talking gas flow; while the manifolds are off its worth checking that the passages exactly match the gaskets and head ports - same with the inlets. Back in the day the alignments on some engines was so bad that grinding a bit off here and there was the cheapest extra couple of horses to be found.
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