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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2018 in Posts

  1. 7 points

    A FEW More Newby Hall.

    'Ere's a few wot I tuk.
  2. 3 points
    Thanks mate, good of you to notice Hi Paul, mad it certainy will be Loopy and inventive... Sounds like the perfect combo to me It's been a very busy and heavy week, but when needs must.. The Volvo engine bay now looks like this.. Engine out.. A big thank you to Rob (far right) who has put a lot of time in over the past 7+ days to help me get this stage done. A thank you to Matt (far left) who did the very careful forklift driving to pull the engine and trans out.. And a thank you to Nigel (middle) for offering advice, getting in the way sometimes, and for sitting on the forklift to make it look like he did the driving Back in the workshop with a few parts plonked in place.. Only roughly plonked as the pallet is getting in the way and the engine is leaning to one side.... But you get the idea To make the engine run a few wires are needed.... Quite a few as it happens.. I need the complete loom from the engine bay back to the front doors.. Which looked like this once the dash had come out.. The fuse and relay box! I won't be needing all of them thankfully!. Why so many wires? Well, being a "modern"-ish car I need one of these brains to run the fuel injection system.. And one of these which is engine management.. I've not opened it up yet to check, I have a feeling it's one of the ECU's that can be "chipped" to get the engine producing the power it should be rather than the "tamed back" from the factory as it is now.. The loom out the car! I won't need about 75% of this as I won't be running power window, rear screen heater, power sunroof or even the headlamp wash/wipers! I think I'm going to need a very good wiring diagram But I do plan to use as many of the guages as I can.. The Volvo now looks like this and is ready for the "metal monkeys" (as I call them) to come and collect. Parts removed.. Engine, trans, wiring loom... Propshaft. Four wheels to smoke the tyres/tires off of Rear axle.. And a new bit of wall decoration
  3. 2 points
    the showman

    Wheelhorse under wraps at Newby Hall

    Spotted this at Newby Hall, it was busy both days carrying grownups and children round the showground. Its a Raider 12 or C120.
  4. 2 points
    the showman

    Looney spotted at Newby Hall

    Spotted a well known celeb while I was walking round the show.
  5. 2 points
    the showman

    Newby Hall Day 1

    Didn't do many photos but here's a few I took All loaded tonight ready for the off.
  6. 1 point

    Newby Hall Day 1

    Great photo's guys
  7. 1 point

    Newby Hall Day 1

    First day done at Newby Hall, here's some photos...
  8. 1 point

    A FEW More Newby Hall.

    Great photo's Norm, thanks for posting them Of course I'd happily take all the Wh's home, and that superb Super 4 as well
  9. 1 point

    A Very Good Interview

    As I understand it the front fell off.
  10. 1 point

    Looney spotted at Newby Hall

    Chris insisted it had to be the red tractor. I'm not sure why. Could have been the colour, or maybe I had to bend down and he didn't.?
  11. 1 point

    Looney spotted at Newby Hall

    Looks like Jeremy corbyn
  12. 1 point

    Newby Hall Day 2

    And the last few...
  13. 1 point

    Newby Hall Day 2

    And some more...
  14. 1 point

    Newby Hall Group Photo

    The likely lads (and lass) at Newby Hall this afternoon
  15. 1 point
    No! Just inventive. Loopy but inventive.
  16. 1 point
    Madder than Mad Jack McMad, winner of last years Mr Mad competition! We like mad, go for it Ian !
  17. 1 point
    Your barmy mate, as mad as a box of frogs, absolute nutter 🙄🧐
  18. 1 point
    Morning all, well Project Wheel-Vo has taken a big step forward this week as the new running gear has been found... You might say it's been safely kept in this big metal box A "can't quite get he's head around my thinking" Nigel gives the Volvo 940 2.3 SE Turbo a That's quite a big 4 pot! A Volvo B230FK if your into engine numbers. Here's the important bit... The turbo Size wise a manual gearbox would be smaller, but an auto does make life easier... Also I kinda like the idea of being able to keep both hands on the steering wheel during launch as well I dug out the WH 312-8 bonnet/hood to have a look size wise...... This pic makes me look totally nuts for even thinking of this project! However, lift the bonnet/hood up and plonk the said WH item on and suddenly the engine does not look that big.. A certain amount of errr... "Scaling up" is going to be needed on the WH panels but not as much as I had 1st thought as the actual auto box isn't as long as I had 1st thought. Of course I have to fit a radiator and intercooler under the hood as well. I will be using the Volvo rear axle, they are known to be strong and (quite handy for me) easy to narrow As of yesterday here's where I have got to.. Just need to disconnect the shifter linkage, speedo cable (I think the speedo is driven from the 'box), unplug any electrical bits, unbolt the propshaft, unbolt the 'box crossmember and then the engine and trans can be removed as one.. Glad I have the use of a forklift No idea why the forum software want to put this duplicate pic in at the end, but I can't seem to get rid of it!
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