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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    the showman

    Name this Plough.

    Thanks to rangers guidance I found these.
  2. 2 points
    the showman

    Name this Plough.

    Mid-day update, I’ve replaced all the bolts with the right size, made a temporary hitch so i can mount it on my Raider 12 and cleaned some of the rust off with a grinder. I see how it works over the weekend, i can always use my old faithful.
  3. 1 point

    G14 wont start

    Hi everyone. Im new to this forum. My problem is with my G14 Bolens. It will not start. There is no spark at the plug. I checked that far and got disgusted and went to my back up mower. I mowed with this machine last week and now its dead. It is a '76 model. I just recently got it running again as I had to have a valve guide replaced in the head. But I have mowed with it since then. Any ideas as to what to look at first would be appreciated. Thanks. Great forum for these great machines. Bob. In Ohio
  4. 1 point

    Third time lucky??

    The Moorhens on the ponds by us, have not had much success raising young this year. The first nest, open to view, containing 8 eggs got robbed by crows. The second nest was built to low down and got flooded. The third nest built higher up and more concealed, looks like being more successful. It's directionally opposite the decking over looking the pond. I've been keeping a watch on it and the last few days there's been more activity by the parent birds. Had me thinking some chicks had hatched. This morning got some photo's. I can only make out three chicks, so more could be further back. 12 bore is at the ready for any visiting crows.
  5. 1 point

    Happy BD Triumph66

    Happy BD, Andrew. Have a good day.
  6. 1 point

    a few upgrades

    a few of you have seen my field - all over the place and full of reeds, thistles and nettles. A strimmer doesn't work and a wheel horse deck has no chance. So I have gone large. A 1.45m flail - which really make the tractor sweat don't have many pics as I was mowing! took half a day to get through 2.5 acres of thick grass and a tank of diesel picked up a trailer at the same time, that helps too!
  7. 1 point

    Third time lucky??

    Some short videos. Excuse the wobbling. P1030098.MP4 P1030099.MP4 P1030100.MP4
  8. 1 point

    Happy BD Triumph66

    Happy Birthday Andrew, hope you get a good treat for your Birthday
  9. 1 point

    Happy BD Triumph66

    Happy Birthday Andrew. Have a good one.
  10. 1 point
    the showman

    Happy BD Triumph66

    Happy Birthday Andrew, hope you have a great day matey.
  11. 1 point

    Just an idea.

    The verges on our lane are encroaching on to the tarmac. Not that there's much of that. Mainly a patchwork with holes. Not fancying cutting it back with a spade, I had an idea of doing it with one of my GT's. I had this scrap saw blade lying around. Fixed a bolt into the end of some box section and welded another piece to it and drilled a hole. I know the welding is not much cop but it will do for test purposes. With blade in place, things look like this. Add a bit of weight. After a little test then blade had it's teeth removed and an edge ground on. It does cut, but more to do. Needs a scraper of some kind to cut under the sod. I have something in mind. Would be better mounted on the front of the tractor or even mid mounted. Be seen and controlled better when in use. Might be yet.
  12. 1 point

    Just an idea.

    I had intended to have a test today. But to my surprise, contractors arrived yesterday to combine the field opposite. Now we've had the wettest August on record. The ground is saturated. In places on the green and verges, even the C-125 leaves tracks when mowing. They only managed to get half the field done. Just about managing not to get bogged down. After a couple of hours they gave up and left. A few photo's of the state of the lane and the entrance to the field. They haven't even had the decency to come back and clean up the lane. My neighbours and I are not happy bunnies.
  13. 1 point

    Just an idea.

    Plan B put into operation this morning. Decided to see if I could mount it on the mid mount grader. So a measure up and a bit of angle iron found. BINGO! And no alterations to the grader. I'll see if I can lay my hands on some plate at the farm. I'll maybe modify things and raise the disc up, to just below the grader blade. I'll see how it performs first. Used at an angle as shown, may push the sod outwards.
  14. 1 point

    Just an idea.

    I have thought of that, but that's extra work and not necessary really. Cuts fine as it is. Also safer.
  15. 1 point
    the showman

    Just an idea.

    If you put it on the front or mid mounted you could put a pulley on it and run it off your PTO
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