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callander ploo-man

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callander ploo-man last won the day on March 26 2019

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About callander ploo-man
  • Rank
    Advanced Member
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  • Location
    callander scotland
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  1. Some nice machine there are you going to show one or two of them. But where is ken?
  2. Happy birthday david are you having Ken and Barbie over tonight .
  3. Awesome machine you will get plenty of hours of enjoyment with this new toy. Will it be appearing on The Gutbrod Scotland Tour 2021
  4. Glad to see kens out and about and out of hospital now and cleared of the coronavirus. I see kens a bit pale about the gills has nurse barbie been giving you bleach. after all bleach kill all known germs. Ken carry on with the good work and keep doing the machine maintenance jobs. Hi jarrovian Like your display any new item been bought
  5. very nice display are you basking in the sun down there I don't see Ken is Ken meeting up with Barbie and coming across later.
  6. Callander ploo-mans photos from Tractor world@ Ingliston
  7. Thanks for everyones comments. Would anybody know why the new 1030 was fitted with 8hp gutbrod engine as the other gutbrod as 9hp gutbrod engine
  8. Hi Reiver yes this little tractor start of the button first time starter its going to get new seat fitted great little we tractor everything works
  9. To HeadExam this is what in the first picture in the back ground. This would fit on the back of the gutbr
  10. Look another blue Gutbrod 1030 with mower attachment arrived this weekend. This my pair of Gutbrods
  11. Hi George another day older happy birthday from callander ploo-man
  12. Hi I have a wheelhorse c-125 the engine is black and that the way I got it
  13. The Border Reiver is now Completed with new decals from Machinery Decals ( Titch ) Restorations Final Touch The story of the Border Reiver as now come to close
  14. Been busy this weekend pulling the engine apart no spark but bags of compression any tips were to start. Does anybody know what the spring is for attached by wire to nut
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