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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. I'd have thought you'd have a little gas stove in that van of yours by now, Chris.
  2. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Will do. Long way to go yet though.
  3. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    I've got a couple of 2T jacks somewhere.
  4. I require a Walbro float bowl. Numbers on carb. 4105321 and WHL 051628. Bowl inside dia. 2.365".
  5. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Thanks Mark. 1/2 ton will be the max weight. I've got a pump, all I need is a 3" dia cylinder. How long? 10-12"?
  6. Stormin

    C-120 refurb.

    Here's a question. I've been thinking of fitting a hydraulic pump to the C-120. What PSI pump should I be looking for? I've got a steering pump of a Disco, but I doubt that will be suitable.
  7. I'll take some red spray cans.
  8. Be the right red by this time tomorrow, eh! Chris.
  9. Should clean up nicely Paul.
  10. What a very original trophy. Better than any cup.
  11. All the Best for the future too you both, James.
  12. The plough thingy looks interesting. What is it and any more photo's? The little dumper will be handy.
  13. Looks a handy thing Ian. Will it take end mills as well?
  14. What's that in the bottom right in the first photo? Looks interesting. See it now. A Trusty.
  15. I agree. Good idea. Thanks.
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