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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. Very nice. 4 stud trailer wheels and hubs?
  2. Can't answer that. I just knew when one was behind me. Foot down, foot off, foot down, foot off. I've just remembered the company name. Bridges.
  3. I had two Bonnies, both 650's. First 1964 would just top 120ph. Some low life stole it. Second was a 1970 ex police bike. 95 was top wack when I got it. I never rated Bonnies after '66.
  4. Doesn't look so bad. Nice yolk to dip your soldiers in.
  5. I'd like to see them get that down our lane.
  6. My second bike was a 1960 James Captain. 199cc AMC engine.
  7. Neil, can you change thread title to dating info? I keep reading dating service.
  8. Three minutes if water boiling. Five for a hard one. Teach you now't at school these days?
  9. Had a bit of a drive in a Roadless Land Rover once. Slow and hard work. No power steering on that thing.
  10. Unfortunately that was a very common sight round here last year.
  11. There used to be, may be still is, a delivery firm in Preston that ran Commer 2 stroke 3 cylinder diesels. Very distinctive sound. White van man has nothing on the lads that drove them.
  12. Vintage brochures! Thanks. Now I really feel old. Mind, I wish I still had my BSA's and Triumphs. Not to mention Ajay's, Ariel's, Enfield's etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
  13. Stormin


    Like the picnic basket.
  14. I'm definitely NOT showing my grandsons this thread.
  15. Now I don't know which I prefer. Nigels trike or that.
  16. I've a trailer to modify/rebuild. To take two tractors it will have to be 10ft.
  17. Must admit I'm rather proud of it. Always wanted a decent sized workshop. Myself and a friend who's was in the building trade built it 5yrs ago. I made the doors myself.
  18. I've got tools that belong to my father, one of his brothers and their father. There's a couple of those adjustable wrenches. I carry one in the tool bag on my bike.
  19. And what's the handle for above it? I'd love to see it in the flesh/metal.
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