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Everything posted by Stormin
  1. He's already got a long legged blonde, Alain. They're getting married next year so he thought he'd have this before children came along.
  2. We live down a single track lane, Mike. Get a lot of farm traffic. You should see the state of the Disco and our Mazda. Actually it's not mine. Eldest grandson's. If I got in it, I could have trouble getting out again.
  3. Good tractors Kubota's. If the engine and gearbox are ok, the rest will be a doddle.
  4. I see Courtney's still in place. Looks like he's become a permanent fixture.
  5. The Chevy van in the 13th photo I could go for. As to the Gold Wings. No thanks. Cars minus two wheels. Not proper motorcycles.
  6. Here you are Chris. New car just delivered. Carol thanking the delivery man.
  7. I want the Dunelt. I want the Dunelt. I WANT THE DUNELT!
  8. Stormin

    Calf dozer

    I like that. Kind of cute.
  9. By 'eck! Not seen one of those for years.
  10. Get a trailer that will carry 1-1/2 ton or two. Twin axle. you never know how much more you will want to carry. One of those small plant trailers would be ideal.
  11. All the Best, young Harry. Hope you've got some handy presents.
  12. Alan told me there was quite a few of them at Johns, but he and Chris skipped them.
  13. That grease gun looks like the one Chris found in the barn on my last trip down south, on a visit to Johns place. That cleaned up ok and with a nipple connection of another gun I have, now resides in the C-81s toolbox for greasing in the finger bar.
  14. That looks on fantastic machine now. I bet your well chuffed.
  15. I could see there's one under the diff, Nigel. I was meaning where the frame comes down. The diff plate could be extended to curve up in front of it.
  16. I've used Redex diesel additive in the 90's Isuzu engine with no ill effects. Don't know about cleaners as such.
  17. I am as you now know. I also had a look at last years photo's you mentioned. Had a look at 2015 and it was fine. Fingers and toes crossed.
  18. Entries posted today. C-81, C-121 and Sears. Forgot about the Teagle hedge cutter but I'll bring it anyway.
  19. A skid plate under the front end might be an idea, Ian. Stop the front getting caught on anything sticking up or digging in a hump.
  20. Just make sure it's decent weather. That's a cold wind off the North Sea.
  21. Sounds good and I've been given clearance, Dave. Son-in law going to print me out three entry forms. I assume I enter the horticultural class?
  22. The crank pin is not badly scored and may be repairable. I can't tell you spec and serial number as the have been painted over or lost. No balance gears fitted. Bore is ok so just new rings required. Need to price things before going any further. If going to be expensive it'll be a no go.
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