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Everything posted by CNew
  1. CNew

    Bolens Ride-a-matic

    Very cool! That specific model of Bolens is one of my all time favorites. I missed out on a nice one while I was in Minnesota. Great to see it running so well and getting out to use!
  2. Finally got it all back together. I haven’t tried to run it yet but compression feels good and it has spark.
  3. I like those Tarpen tools, never seen one in this side of the pond. The chainsaw attachment is pretty neat! Is there also an outboard attachment?
  4. Very nice, love the way you’re displaying all these great O&Rs!
  5. Haven’t counted, it’s finally looking like a collection though. I desperately need to build some shelves and start displaying them. I bet you’re right about the pump, doesn’t take much to mess up one of those little impellers. I’d like to try your aluminum foil technique for the rust on the handle, what is the mixture you soak it in first?
  6. The Comet pump arrived today. Unfortunately it’s missing the ignition coil cover and the actual pump mechanism but it’s still great to be able to add this to the collection and round out the Comet tools.
  7. Like weed eaters today - you’re probably right, as soon as the O&R Groomers crapped out they got tossed to the garbage.
  8. Very cool, look so good! I think I remember seeing this one on eBay, nice grab! That’s quite the improvement on the chain and bar!
  9. David, I really like the technique, thank you for sharing the details. I finally got the wires prepped with shrink tubing.
  10. I know of one but the guy won’t sell it...
  11. Very nice David! Do you have parts to complete a trimmer?
  12. Well they were in slightly better condition until I was re-assembling the unit and the magnet sucked the coil off the back plate. That sudden yank pretty much did the rest of the insulation in...
  13. Welcome to the forum! Nice drill unit and it looks like the experts have you taken care of. Looking forward to hearing how your rebuild goes.
  14. Sounds good. Looks like mine may have been store in a humid environment, the wires that are severely cracked also have blue-green corrosion permeating the entire wire. I think if there were more insulation left I would just simply cover it with heat shrink but I think in this case it might make sense just to finish removing the last bits and re-sleeve. Not what I had planned to do with this one but o’well, it’s good learning!
  15. Now that I’ve got everything exposed it looks like a few of the wires are worse off than I thought. There isn’t t much insulation left. Is it possible to re-sleeve the wires by breaking off all the last bits of old cracked wire insulation and then just using heat shrink tubing as “new insulation”?
  16. That was a little nerve-racking trying to remove the old plastic wire caps and then remove the crimped metal to free the wires without snapping off the little wire tabs. Got it all free, now it’s time to get some more shrink tuning and stuff to do the soldering.
  17. David, John, Thank you for all the helpful suggestions. I think I’m tracking with the ideas but additional photos are always helpful. Thanks, Clint Also, it looks like there is a rusty red paint coating on the copper wiring on your coils - did you add that or was it original to your unit? Mine isn’t just bare exposed copper.
  18. Ahhh yes, that’s a familiar looking sight. Mine isn’t quite that bad but the wires are now cracked and exposed like that. I used some liquid electrical tape yesterday but I’m tempted to go all the way and open it up to add heat shrink tubing. My biggest fear is the point where the wires go into the copper coil and if that area breaks...
  19. Well, so much for avoiding wire work. Upon reassembling today the power of the coil magnets yanked the coil section from the rear cover plate while sliding it on and pow, there little shards of dried out wire started falling out. I’m going to attempt multiple coats of liquid electrical tape to see if I can build up some thickness. Bummer...
  20. I’ve been thinking the same thing, it seems to be a little slow on here these days. Hopefully I can get back after it here this weekend and wrap this TT project up and get on to something a little more exciting.
  21. I think my Groomer engine has one of those ports too, I’ll have to check. The groomer engine I have used the Tillotson carb as well which may operate differently than the standard O&R carb.
  22. Yep, still picking away at the Tiny Tiger. Things have been pretty busy lately so progress is slow. How about you, what’s the current project?
  23. Finally finished the saw, Webhead was able to send me a screw hook for the muffler. Now all it needs is a decal!
  24. Nice, that looks like it does the trick! I have to use spacers like that too since my vice has rough faces. I was finally able to try out my new socket for the head and it was amazing, no issues at all and it put all the force and leverage where needed.
  25. Very nice, that turned out pretty cool. I really do like those stands, nice touch!
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