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Posts posted by CNew

  1. 6 hours ago, JUST O&R said:

    I'm not good at the paperwork side what size is the bearing and does your rod have the slot in it that would make it simpler

    for me to find what bearing you need


    Here are a couple photos... Each roller bearing measures approximately 0.093” in diameter and 0.276” long



  2. Hmmmm, very interesting. Let me take another close look at it tonight but I’m almost certain there is no way to get 16 in there. I wonder if they changed the ID of the connecting rod opening or went to slightly smaller OD rollers at some point. This 117 definitely looks like an earlier engine since it has the steel baffles, old style coil, etc. 

  3. Does anyone by chance have a couple spare, used bearing rollers that go to the bottom (large) end of the connecting rod?  I was thinking there may have been one missing when I took this engine apart and now that I’m reassembling it I’m certain once is missing. I think there are supposed to be 14 of these rollers and there are only 13.

  4. 5 hours ago, Mitymoehelp said:

    Yes I was thinking of finding a more responsive carb when I eventually build a boat, I have the frame modeled on solid works mostly I just need to get some kinks worked out, the rest of the unit I might restore also just Incase I find out the mity moe is worth a million dollars or something haha but I will definitely hold on to the rest of the parts

    What would you recommend for a fuel to oil ratio, most modern equipment I think is 50:1 I’m assuming the mity moe calls for a 25:1 or 30:1 



    I would hunt for a different engine for your boat and keep the Mity Moe all together and original.  You can still find the O&R engines that aren’t part of actual tools on eBay sometimes. Keeping it original is worth more. 

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