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The Blues Brothers

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The Blues Brothers last won the day on October 9 2021

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About The Blues Brothers
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  1. Suspected the crankcase bearing are shot so looking for new to crankcase bearings
  2. like your new shed very smart is that Kens strimmer
  3. The engine has been rebuilt still more work needing done New piston rings have been gapped and fitted
  4. Work shop opened and nice weather on Saturday and few visitor popped in started work on blackburne engine honed the cylinder barrel Now the new piston rings have been gapped and fitted
  5. Hey dave thats a braw machine you have there. Are you going to make an allotment with that large bit of ground and put in tatties ( 1st top photo ) OMG kens going to be busy planting seed tatties.
  6. New replacement smallend arrived for the blackburne engine soon be running again
  7. As suspected the Blackburne Engine needs new piston rings. And the wee end is showing sign of wear. new valve guides fitted new piston ring have been sourced.
  8. I think ken bought it for is son to help with garden jobs very nice display
  9. It's in the tub for a scrub had new valve guides put in cylinder head next job to grind in the valves. Workshop shut now
  10. New seat fitted first class job done by first class seat upholstery done By local company in Edinburgh Number plate now fitted this project is now comming to an end soon
  11. Ken can demonstrate the Ransome mower @ Wimbledon and have strawberry and ice cream.
  12. Picked this mower up yesterday Has anybody any Information on this engine
  13. Number plates fitted, New log book arrived,
  14. I have the Howard dragon operating instruction and part list
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