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    slf-uk got a reaction from the showman in The showman enters a Annual Ploughing Match   
    Just managed to catch up with this post. Well done Chris, you did a fantastic job, wow  
    It's a pity I can only hit the Like button once!
  2. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Stormin in C-125 work horse poorly.   
    Took the engine out today after taking the head off. Bore looks good, but not measured it yet. Bit of wear on the valve side. Exhaust valve looks well past it's sell by date. Inlet is ok, as are both valve seats. Considering the state of the exhaust valve, I would have expected that to be bad as well.

      Pretty clean in there except round the exhaust valve. Head gasket was leaking oil. As was the other head gasket. Yes! You read that right. Two head gaskets. Head does look a little warped, front to back.
      Next, tractor off the bench and engine lifted out.

    Found another use for the ambulance I made for Newby Hall last year.
    Off for a wash.

    Nice and clean now.

  3. Like
    slf-uk reacted to the showman in The showman enters a Annual Ploughing Match   
    As some of you know I entered the 2016 Annual ploughing match.
    The ground was wheat stubble and had large mose patches which made traction a problem up hill, anyway i had a go.
    Not having done it before i entered the novice class and was shown to my spot which was twice as big as the horticultural section and the only ride on tractor in the class all the others were full size tractors.
    Anyway we marked out and did my opening and then carried on and did the patch ( and we weren't last to finish) I learnt a lot throughout the day with lots of advice from friends and need to make a few alterations to the tractor.
    Heres the photos and running list and results, i was very pleased and had a good day and I wasn't last which was a bonus.

  4. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Stormin in Another in the stable.   
    Collected a '75 Raider 10 today with side discharge cutting deck. Engine supposedly OK, but gears cannot be selected. The idea is to eventually restore it, or make something special. The engine will go into the C-125 while the 12hp off that is rebuilt.
     Below photo's of as collected.

    Not to bad I suppose, seeing as it's been stood outside for a number of years.
    The deck has not fared as well. But I think it can be rescued eventually.

      First thing was to blow the tyres up to make it easier to push about. Next a good pressure wash. Strangely there's red paint under that blue. Then it was up onto the work bench.
      Just to see what would happen, I connected a battery. Turned the key and the engine spun easily. I did check the oil first. Cleaned and checked plug and points and got a nice healthy spark.
      Here is when I found throttle and choke cables/controls, very, very stiff. Never mind, choke fully open, throttle halfway, squirt petrol into the carb, turn key and......
    It fired up and ran for a second or two.  
    While I set too on the controls, I left the old petrol in the tank to drain. Have no idea how old it is, but I've never seen golden brown petrol before. Well, not out of a plastic tank.
     That's it for now.
  5. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from Triumph66 in Been a busy Bolens Week......   
    Great haul Andrew. Both 600's and H16's are the hardest and most desirable tube frame tractors and you have managed to bag one of each in the same week, your the man! This would be a good time to buy a lottery ticket.
    It is great that you are helping out the Bolens family too by supporting Chris.
  6. Like
    slf-uk reacted to the showman in Getting The Working Wheelhorse Ready   
    Just came in for a cuppa so here's an update of today's progress. Tyres fitted , wheels and hubs fitted and greased . Here's some photos 

  7. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Stormin in Getting The Working Wheelhorse Ready   
    I can just see him pole vaulting over his horses.
  8. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    H16 looks great and very happy to help with any deck issues.
    I have to pick you up on a significant issue and this is not the first time!!! In your pictures you have given the impression that a WH is pushing the Bolens. Clearly this could not be true and the Bolens must be towing the WH. If on the other hand you have a secret desire for red tractors I am sure Chris and I will happily arrange a road trip to remove the white ones to keep them safe from your photoshopping
  9. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    Iain, it was an amusing 5 minutes. Terry insisted that photos were taken otherwise I would be up the Swanee by havng to push a non working hydro up those ramps on my own. However, Terry did say he preferred the H16 over his Toro.......
    As you know it's a serious bit of kit the H16 and I can't wait to spend a bit of time to go over it.
  10. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from the showman in Getting The Working Wheelhorse Ready   
    Great work on the weight frame and poles.
    You could use those poles for horse jumping too :-))
  11. Like
    slf-uk reacted to the showman in Getting The Working Wheelhorse Ready   
    Got me Raider 12 back from Johns yesterday after its tour of duty at his place over the last few weeks.
    Decided to do a few jobs to it and the first thing was a front weight carrier made from some angle iron and an old mule drive so i can unclip it when not in use, i made it to take 2 weights but I think one will be enough. I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

  12. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Stormin in Bolens H16   
    I like the washing line securing it. Did the wife know?
  13. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    Well I picked up the mighty Bolens H16 in Cornwall earlier this morning.
    I attach some some photos of it being loaded up on to the van. To ease loading Terry's son (Mark?) and I took off the mower deck which weighs a tonne ! Terry knocked up a wooden pole which had two holes to fit over some bolts of his ride on to push the Bolens up the ramp. What I can't understand is that when I took the photos I am sure the tractor was white and not red..... Obviously someone have photoshopped my photos between me leaving Cornwall this morning to download them.
    My thanks to both Terry and his son helping me load it up.
    i am going to have to ask Iain for some detailed photos of his deck set up on his H16

  14. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Alan in A FUN DAY AT JOHN'S   
    After weeks of sorting, finding goodie's and clearing junk, the Showman and I thought we would have a play for a change.  Chris had left one of his horses on site for haulage duty's in case it was needed while I was finishing off my Roper, so as it was a nice sunny day we had a drive around to start with.

    Last week, during his usual end of day walkabout, Chris spotted a long lost trailer which I knew was somewhere on John's land.  We decided to drag it out from the undergrowth for a better look.  As expected it was in poor condition, the woodwork having rotted away and the lighter metal not much better.  The main chassis was still good and solid and the wheels still revolved.  Hitching up one tractor got it moving until the wet muddy ground caused wheel spin.  The same result with the other tractor. Both tractors hitched up together did the trick.  The trailer was then towed across the field to a new resting place.

    For some unknown reason, the sun decided to replace it's self with clouds and rain so we finished up a bit soggy.  As usually happens, after spoiling the fun the sun decided to play nicely again.  We didn't manage to take photo's of the tow in progress.  Too busy having fun.  The last photo, scanned from an old print, shows the same trailer about 43 years ago just after John and I had returned from a Bolens and equipment recovery trip. The things we got away with in those days. Just imagine being on the road with that lot these days.  My son, on the tractor, was just pretending to drive. The Bolens in the trailer has somehow now found it's way to Norfolk.

    The four wheel trailer is the one Chris is restoring now.  Another fun filled day.  Thanks Chris.
  15. Like
    slf-uk reacted to the showman in Four Wheel Trailer Refurbish   
    Lunch time update

  16. Like
    slf-uk reacted to meadowfield in New addition to the fleet   
    Seems appropriate to put it under farming as its predominant use is in farming...
    after a drought of 18 years I have finally got another proper Land Rover, having had two freelanders and a rav 4 there was still a hole in my life.
    here she is, 14 years old, fairly tidy, low miles, td5 with overdrive and climate pack - I missed this on the first viewing, but that includes heated windscreen and seats! In a Land Rover that is the height of luxury!!!

    drives nicely, I'm sure within a week there will be oil leaks, rain leaks and grumbles from the gearbox. That's the fun of Land Rover ownership though 
    If you were wondering what's behind me, that's clowder looking down into hawkswick, the road behind me leads to malham tarn.

  17. Like
    slf-uk reacted to HeadExam in Bolens H16   
    I do the same Andrew, i like to spend time with the original owners or long time owners and ask them about the tractor, but also about other bits of history of what life was like for them. To have someone listen to them is a very joyous thing to many older folks and since i enjoy it as well, it is a grand time, I still converse with some of the people I bought my machines from.
  18. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    Not much chance of snow in your part of the world but that is not a problem as they will push hard packed dirt just as well, who needs a dozer  . Equally good at towing cars, 4x4's, etc.
    My lad calls one of my H16's "The rescue tractor" as it is the first machine I turn to if I need to move any broken equipment.
    Andrew, once you get it home you will be living the dream
  19. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    I have a set of Bolens/ FMC Wheelweights to complete that perfect combination. All we need is snow!
  20. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    Andrew, I think you may be getting excited about picking it up
    A H16 with wheel weights and a front plow is a perfect combination, hence my forum picture. With wheel weights fitted they will pull a house down.
    They are great
  21. Like
    slf-uk reacted to Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    Thanks Alain. Looking forward to getting it back here so I can check these things out. The oils on the dip stick looks clean. It will be great to go through it methodically. When I saw it I realised it was the same era as my front plow with the Bolens Husky Dog logo; a winning combination with the hydro on the tractor and hydro lift too. I know Iain rates it as one of his favourites; he got 4!
  22. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from Triumph66 in The Showman has been playing again.   
    Very thoughtful of you Alan but I feel the need to decline that kind offer
  23. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    Andrew, trailer is a really good idea for a H16 for a couple of reasons. They are incredibly heavy compared to other tubeframes and you can't disconnect the hydro drive like you can on a largeframe. You have to push them slowly otherwise you will wind up the transmission and it will either lock on you or make horrible noises.
  24. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from pmackellow in The Showman has been playing again.   
    Very thoughtful of you Alan but I feel the need to decline that kind offer
  25. Like
    slf-uk got a reaction from Triumph66 in Bolens H16   
    Great find Andrew.
    I believe the first production run of the H16 was only 1973. Then for some reason Bolens made the H14 and not the H16 in 1974 and 1975 before the 2nd and 3rd production of the H16 in 1976, followed by the 4th in 1977. The early ones like yours were the best. 
    I have four H16's and love them.
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