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Everything posted by HeadExam
  1. We can download the movies to our phone and then play them on our 55" Sony for free or cheap. I just thought about a date with the wife at the theatre.
  2. Here in the States (and maybe the rest of the world as well, that's why I'm asking), we have no real news sources any longer. It doesn't matter whether you go the four major news networks or to so-called liberal or conservative news infotainment channels such as MSNBC, Fox, CNN, or Yahoo. All news is now spun for ratings and to play to certain bases and segments of the population. There is absolutely no consistency or accuracy in so much of what we read that I don't think anyone over here including our leaders know what any particular situation is truly about. It would appear that out federal and local governments have turned into a talk show tabloid environment and has relinquished all control of their senses. The days of different opinions working toward viable solutions has been put asunder to name calling and character assassinations. The worst part of it all is that it seems his has had a particularly adverse reaction on our young people and the maturity level of the entire population is not much more than lower elementary school at best. Any reaction to the story I'm posting below, because it seems it is a non story written to agitate the people into believing the Russians are doing something they haven't been doing for some time, but I have no way of knowing here in the States, so I thought I would ask you chaps for your input. https://www.yahoo.com/news/uk-air-force-scrambles-2-fighters-russian-jets-124124066.html
  3. I have not been to a theatre in over 20 years and this movie is one I would like to see at a real theatre. I believe that because of the subject matter the audience might not be filled with addle brained, immature, and rude people on cellular phones therefore allowing me to actually enjoy the picture with minimal distraction.
  4. Has the movie been released in the UK yet?
  5. Fantastic haul sir! Please post more pictures as you get it sorted.
  6. I just heard this as well, so sad, what a great artist
  7. Wow, what a deal and that is a really nice cover
  8. I have often been tempted by one of these, but so far not one has jumped into my truck. I'll have to run into a guy like Chris over here.
  9. It woud seem that us yanks aren't the only ones that have trouble understanding the Queen's english. lol,"thar to greet us wuz monsier molyneux, witch he insisted we have, as he put it in a purrfeck english ackcent, 'A spot of Earl Grey?'
  10. Your showing a great deal of ingenuity in this project, the type that isn't oft seen these days. Good Job.
  11. I have two sets of the tri-ribs and at least 3 sets of monster Duro Frontier AG tyres, I love them
  12. That's a good brand and a good price
  13. Opt for the tubes, those tires can be very difficult to mount tubeless
  14. You're not looking to put them on a large frame are you?
  15. You might consider the wider smooth ribbed tyres, they are easier on the turf and can be just as easy to turn as narrow treads. I'm pretty sure those are 6" diameter tyre, so your choice are going to be limited, that said I would stay away from anything with a deep or aggressive tread pattern, not that those will be easy to find. A nice chevron tread design might be best. These are fairly cheap, not sure if you can find them in your locale http://www.millertire.com/products/lawn-garden-tires/13x5-00-6/13x5-00-6-rubber-master-rib-4-ply/ http://www.millertire.com/products/lawn-garden-tires/4-10-6/4-10-6-rubber-master-sawtooth-4-ply/
  16. That is a very interesting and unusual machine, forget the bag and let it green rain fly. I have a feeling that after the machine hit the tree and bent the front foot rest the driver was either mortally wounded or suffered a serious brain injury by hitting said tree, hence its lack of recent use.
  17. Happy New Year to all, let the new year bring bounty in every way
  18. A member of one of the garden tractor Facebook pages posted a video of his 3 year old driving a full size Simplicity garden tractor with cutter deck and no ability to touch the foot pedals and no one in sight of the video. I post a stern warning and he and several other members took me to task over questioning his parenting skills. I had a son that I brought along as well and at 8 we started a few of these things to introduce him to new things, but not at 3. I think you'll be okay. Supervision is a important thing until and after they leave the home.
  19. Given that this machine is a smaller lawn tractor than a larger garden tractor, 8 years old should be fine with supervision. I think your idea to expose him to other interests is a very good one, but don't forget to involve him in the basic workings and maintenance aspects as well.
  20. Thanks Richard. The help given here has boosted my confidence in the epoxy repair and tank replacement decision. After drilling the holes, are you saying that I should insert a metal pin in the holes or let the epoxy bond into the holes as support?
  21. What is surprising is they used a very similar hood and fender skirts as early Simplicity tractors did, and the Gutbrod/Amigo/Economy solid drivetrain similar to larger tractors. The high low and gear shifting station looks much like the Gravely system on their 4 wheel machines, and the Wheel Horse D250, which was a Gutbrod, lol. This design really makes this a very strong tractor. Im not sure of the age, but I dont believe modern refinements better a tractor built like this.
  22. The engineering and styling points on this tractor are really amazing. The hood and fenders are reminiscent of an early 60's Simplicity 700 or 725, the drivetrain appears to work similar as an Economy/Jim Dandy or Amigo tractor and the transmission controls appear to work like the Wheel Horse or Gravely front engine geared tractors. The three point is akin to the Massey Ferguson Elf or early Gutbrod tractors. All in all a really well built and capable machine with the best engineering features for a working tractor. I know why you cherish it.
  23. That is a nice tractor, post more pictures, love the front weight and headlights.
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