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Everything posted by Ian
  1. The trailer looks so much better after a coat of paint
  2. That trailer looks to be a handy bit of kit, I'm sure your get lot's of use out of it over the year
  3. It's been painted Norm, just not with a colour Oh no it's not Thanks James, your find the blast cabinet very handy My cabinet does the same, I just move the suction pipe.. The black paint for the rear axle and a few other parts turned up I thought I'd get it painted as it was a nice warm day for a change.. The ally diff case was clear coated at the same time as the black.. Well, it will save me having to keep polishing it "Clear Lacquer... For when that bald patch just isn't shiny enough" The front brakes and steering were fully pulled apart for painting.. Some interesting masking opportunity's were presented by the front hubs/brake disks! Painted and masking tape removed...Any paint on the disks that shouldn't be there will soon get worn off by the brake pads. Why Not's engine was lifted up onto the bench Thursday, thanks for your help Karl and Matt. Coils, carbs, wiring and radiator were removed so I could make a start on cleaning the engine up for painting.. Oh, and to sort out a couple of small oil leaks!
  4. Fantastic work James, the wheels look great I think the tins of paint in the 4th photo up might be a clue
  5. Great photo's chaps, looks like you had a fun time
  6. A great video Duncan I was watching it thinking I've seen it before on YT, then I had a look at your YT page and thought I know that user name... Thanks for subscribing to my channel
  7. Ian

    Gutbrod 1032

    That's a cool looking Gutbrod Duncan, the mods you have done look good.. I bet it has loads of power now with almost twice the original HP
  8. A few more photo's for ya all.. Freshly blasted and red oxided steering wheel boss and one of the brake drums. The air pressure was turned down so it only just took the old paint off without any damage to the dash surround.. The inside has already been re-reded if the is such a word The ally diff case was cleaned up using a soft-ish wire brush on a drill.... I may polish it up, I may not.. We shall see. The rest of the rear axle cleaned up and painted ready for it's top coat of black. Speaking of paint, it has been ordered and should arrive this week.. No clues to the colour/shade though
  9. Nice work James, those arches look good
  10. That looks a nice strong compressor, sometimes you just can't beat older machines
  11. A few more pic's to fuel your imagination... I was thinking of using this trans..... Then Nigel came up with a much more interesting idea....
  12. Your going to have great fun with that loader once you get the extra weight on the back
  13. Thanks mate.. Well, you know what they say about blokes and instructions........ Today my mission was to get my blast cabinet working which meant sorting out the dust extraction once and for all.. After drilling a big hole and a couple of bolt holes in the side of the cabinet, I bolted this filter on that had been kicking about for years... It did come with the blast cabinet which I found a bit strange as the only "hole with bolt holes" was way bigger with 3 not 2 bolt holes.... So it got wrapped up in a random bit of paper and stuffed in a draw until today.. On the inside I folded up this cover to stop the inside of the filter from getting blasted away.. It was whilst bolting the inside cover on that I noticed this strange box like thing at the back of the cabinet under the light! Can you guess what's behind it? As it happens the space behind the cabinet is so tight the filter wouldn't of been able to let any air in anyway, so it kinda all worked out for the best! Oh... And the random bit of paper the filter was wrapped in all those years ago... Were the instructions! A few of the bits that have been blasted and coated in the red stuff.. As WN's dash panel had started to rust under the clear coat, it got blasted and hit with clear again.. It's a bit hard to make out but it almost looks like metallic silver only with more metallic showing.. Get it in the right light and it almost sparkles..
  14. A cool video from back in the day when snow was real snow..
  15. That's a cool video Koen, thanks for posting it
  16. It's been a slow few days on WN, but slowly parts are getting put through the blasting cabinet and then hit with red oxide.. Dust extraction has still been an issue though, so I built this er... Thing... This kinda worked, doubling up the fan helped a bit more but is far from ideal.... And then yesterday I lifted the cabinet lid a little with the extraction fans on, and all the dust cleared in couple of seconds!! Me thinks another filtered hole in the side of the cabinet is needed!!
  17. Funny you should mention that Doug, I was talking with Nigel about evil looking red eyes rather than just the normal lights I agree mate, the original light unit only needs a little trim to make it fit, so it makes sense to me A bit more of the WN story for you chaps.. With the chassis cleaned up and coated in the red stuff, I started to look at the vast amount of smaller parts that need cleaning up... Which got me thinking that I have a blasting cabinet and compressor both of which had not been used since I moved workshops well over a year ago! As the compressor is a tad on the large side the fear was the current drawn when starting it up would cause problems with the workshop wiring which could best be described as "needs work"! Anyway, nothing went bang or produced any smoke so a clutch pedal went into the blasting cabinet.... Not bad, maybe the blasting medium is a little coarse but we shall see what it looks like with a couple of coats of red oxide. Only a couple of problems with the blast cabinet... It needs to be raised by 6 inches or so so I'm not bent over using it.. And I need to sort out a dust extraction system as despite a good vent pipe it can get a bit hard to see what's going on.. I've just dug out a spare computer cooling fan which hopefully should suck out enough dust so I can see what I'm doing..
  18. I'm sure I can find something interesting to bring Chris
  19. Thanks James, it will be good to see her in paint.. Can't wait Was that the Ford red that faded? I think I need to go to Halfrauds and have a look in the paint department.. I'm guessing they still have space for a paint department in between all the kids push bikes and boy racer massive speakers? There shouldn't be, all I need to do is read through this build thread I've got almost 1000 photos of the build.. It's been a slow week with WN, tidying welds, welding the odd place or two I had missed, and capping off loads of open box section.. I'm happy to say that despite the thrashing I have been giving WN, there has been no signs of any broken welds which could mean.. A - The chassis is a good strong design.. Or B - I've not been driving her hard enough.... Fully welded up and red oxide'd. I thought I'd find that out today Paul, so I dug a light backing plate/bulb holder out and screwed it to the bonnet.. It was close but not quite enough space... However if I trim a bit off the top of the light backing then it should just slide in
  20. Can't wait to see it in action on the rough stuff James, it looks unstoppable
  21. It was nothing to do with me, Nigel did it while my back was turned I'm thinking maybe in the style of the early Commando decals.. Although WN is kinda a Raider I don't think any of the Raider decals would suit the mean hot rod look..
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