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Posts posted by Ian

  1. Morning all, as you know yesterday was shack contents moving day, and what a long day it was!!


    I didn't take too many photo's as we were a bit busy, but here's a few..


    My "extended bed" Saxon trailer with the first load..





    The trailer being loaded up with a heavier load..





    The shack looking a bit emptier..





    The moving crew.. well, most of them.. Pete, Rob and Chris.. The other helper known as Mr Pickles did a runner as soon as the camera came out :lol:





    I will get some photo's of the empty shack, but here's a couple of the slightly full new workshop..  I've got a bit of sorting out to do me thinks :D







    So, a big THANK YOU to Chris, Pete, Rob and Mr Pickles for all your help yesterday, I couldn't of done it without your help :thumbs:

  2. That looks fantastic Nigel, thanks mate :thumbs:



    Wish I could help with the move...

    can't wait to see the new digs Ian.    :thumbs:  


    No worries Craig, it would be a bit of a journey for you to get here :D




    That's awesome! Looking forward to the next chapter


    Me too :D




    Very nice looking  Next Generation 'Shack Pad' there Ian. I take it it's provided courtesy of Nigel?, if so , your a lucky Lad having a new kindly neighbour of that calibre . Look's like it's big enough to rattle around it like a 'Pea in a Drum'.       


    Thanks Richard, yes I am very lucky having a good friend/neighbour  called Nigel..  I wouldn't be able to do this shack move without Nigel's fantastic help, so thanks mate, your a star  :thumbs:

    The deal is Nigel has rented the new place and I'm renting half of it from Nigel.




    Now that's posh.  :thumbs:  Can't quite make out what it says under The Shack on the sign.


    It says.. The Shack   Revisited :D




    Like the Christmas lights & bars on the windows!


    Looks like you will be warm in there this winter


    The bars on the windows I can cope with, not so sure on the seasonal lights though :lol:



    A couple of photo's from yesterday.. The big bench is down..





    Which means Project "Why Not" is a roller :D



  3. Only the one photo today but the shack stripping is getting serious now.. Lathe dismantled and ready to be moved, and 2 benches dismantled one of which the compressor was hidden under.. I'd forgotten how big it is :lol:


    The shack has a viewing booked in for tomorrow afternoon, and just had a call from a chap who thought it was a small shed and wanted to take it to Orkney!!! :D



  4. Good luck Ian with everything


    Thanks James, it's looking like everything is coming together quite well :)




    I don't doubt it with Nigel next door. :thumbs:  Be interesting to see what transpires.


    Yes it could well in interesting to see what comes out of both workshops :D



    Well, a bit of a sad day in more ways than one...


    Down came all the decorations that shacks collect over the years.. It feels strange in there without this lot fixed on the walls.. They all hold good memories for me and will be going up in the new workshop along with some bigger stuff that I will once again have wall space for :)








    And of course.... :D





    More stuff boxed up ready to go, even more "shack boxes" stashed in the house!




    Even under the big bench has been mostly cleared out and boxed up!





    Now you may of noticed in the above photo's a big red something is missing..


    Yes the 6x6 went off to it's new home today, here it is all loaded up with it's new owner Mark...





    I am of course very sad to see it go, but I am happy that it has gone to such a good home.. To say that Mark is over the moon about is an understatement to say the least.. Yes he has been told about MOM and RS and promises to keep me updated on how he is getting on with it :thumbs:

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