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Posts posted by Ian

  1. I have to say that this is a very nice machine.. If a little ugly at the front.. :)

    The engine sounds good, with no exhaust it sounds great :D


    If anyone has any ideas on the 3 point hydraulics it would be good to hear.. As Nigel mentioned above the lifting arm are stuck in the up position. You can move them a very little up and down but you can hear a "metal clonking" sort of sound..

    A stuck valve somewhere perhaps?

  2. This is a great post and has the makings of a good movie, in that it is a great story, it made me laugh (a lot) and had some sad moments (poor Limpy).


    Ian, I think you and Nigel are going to have lots of fun and I am looking forward to hearing the stories.


    Thanks Iain, yes it's certainly been an interesting story.. and a very busy story!!

    Too right Nigel and I will be having lot's of fun.. we have been already :D



    A bit of a sad video for you guy's and girls..


  3. Interesting picture of Nigel doing his Mr Universe impression. Mr November in the impending 2015 MOM calendar?


    Now that's a thought :lol:




    Do you have an open view like the old place at the new one, Ian? House I mean.


    Hi Norm, nope no good views here, surrounded by houses!!   But it is a lot quieter down here than I thought it would be.. Almost got used to the sound of traffic now :lol:



    I managed to get a few hours in at the workshop today, putting tins of bits on shelves, trying to find homes for all my junk... 


    I did manage to get my big bench cleared and re-skinned with a much thicker top :D



  4. Not long before the next whynot update then...


    Hopefully next week mate :)




    Great new workshop Ian and space for luxury items too, bonus.


    I hope the house move went well


    Thanks Iain, the house move is nearly there now. We should get this place straight by the end of the weekend..




    That luxury item's taking up Milling Machine space Ian :D  Nice shop :thumbs: :thumbs:

    You'll have to do your welding outside now or you'll mess up the decor :D


    Thanks Doug.. The armchair is very much needed though.. When I'm shattered and had enough I can't just walk across the garden to the house now, so I need the armchair to relax in while waiting for my wife to pick me up in the evenings..



    And then it was gone!!!



  5. Or the other smells masked it.... :hide:


    I really should stop using WD40 as deodorant :lol:



    Just a few quick photo's to show you all things have been happening in the new shack..


    The most important photo being this one :D





    And a luxury  item in the shack :lol:





    Bench with lathe up..





    Somewhere under all this clutter is a very big bench!





    Project "Why Not" up on it's bench..





    And Nigel doing his Mr Universe impression :lol:



  6. Yesterday was a nice day weather wise and the shack floor had never looked so clean!!





    As the first floor board came up I was wondering how many rabbit holes I would find as they do like the garden here and are/were always running under the shack!





    As it turned out there was only slight bunny digging in one corner, but no holes.





    I did have one very unexpected find though.. I found Limpy... Or what was left of him/her!

    Limpy was a young fox cub that could be seen pottering about the place last year.. As you will of guessed Limpy had a limp hence the name..

    At one point he/she wasn't look too well but the last couple of times I saw him/her, he/she was looking much better with a nice coat of fur at last..


    I guess he/she wasn't doing too well as I found the remains yesterday!





    Anyway, the shack is all down now, the base frame has been split into manageable size chunks that will fit on a big trailer with no problems..

    And all being well it should all be taken away tomorrow which is also house moving day!!   Should be fun laugh.png




  7. Blimey Ian, glad I haven't got to put it together again :D


    It comes with instructions Chris :lol:




    Surprised you made such progress yesterday if you had the same amount of rain as was up here :rain: !.


    Will be interesting to see if the ground under the raised floor look's like a Swiss Cheese or not, what with all the Bunny Wabbit activity you've had in the past :) .

    Trust you will not be short of fuel for a Guy Fawkes Night Bonfire


    Hi Richard, yeah it was rather a wet day.. But the shack had to come down..

    I can't decide of the bunnys have dug holes under the shack or if the just use it as a through route to the yummy grass :lol:

    I will find out tomorrow when the rest of the shack comes down and the floor comes up...

  8. Morning chaps, well today is the day the old shack comes down.. I just hope the rain goes away!!


    Anyway I made a good start on stripping the inside yesterday, all the wiring is out and most of the interior panels are down.. And so far I've only found one mouse nest in the walls! :D










  9. Just a quick update on the new workshack.. I've not had much time to get there and do much, but a productive day day was had Thursday.

    With Nigel's help (thanks old bean :thumbs: ) we managed to get 2 benches up and some floor space cleared :)


    I will get some photo's when I next get the chance to be there which is looking like Wednesday at the moment..

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