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Posts posted by Ian

  1. Ian, PWN? is looking good. Looking forward to seeing it come together.


    Thanks Andrew, it was good to make a start on WN again today...  :)




    hi ian

    nice to see you have settled in and why not is looking very sexy indeed :D

    ive got a few more bulbs kicking about somewhere for your sign i will dig them out and deliver them soon

    we will catch up soon mate ta ta for now


    Evening Ben, yep getting settled in the new workshop now. Thanks for the spare sign bulbs, it will be good to see you and catch up again :thumbs:




    Workshop looking good mate, will have to pop in and say hello somewhen... :)


    Thanks Paul, yep your more than welcome to pop in for a visit.. I think I have some tea bags somewhere :D

  2. Hi folk's yep it's Garry's Honda CX trike that's up for sale.   A spares or repairs project..

    MOT til Feb (Garry thinks)..

    The trike is based on a 1981 Cx500, no idea what the rear axle is from.

    It needs work on the electrics and rear brakes but is ride able.


    As all the photo's I have of it are posted up here already, here's the link to the post.





    Garry is asking £500


    PM me if your interested and I will pass you Garry's details.

  3. It all starts now :D


    It does indeed :D




    I am surprised an angle grinder wasn't used to cut the ribbon!

    I look forward to the restoration of your first Bolens Ian! You know it make sense!


    Hi Andrew, we did think about using the grinder but as the door was closed making it hard to get a power cable out there..

    I'm not sure which is the worse word.. Restoration or Bolens :lol:




    :thumbs:  Let production commence.


    Very much so Norm :)




    Lord Mower Land does look the part. Is that the old fashion version of an electronic tag he is wearing around his neck :)


    Hi Iain, it was not so much an electronic tag, more of a Kubota wing indicator... Handy if we loose the Lord in the dark you see :D

    MOM answer to Mr T  :D


    Very good Chris :D



    For your viewing pleasure here;s the first video from the new workshop.


  4. I like the Led Zeppelin neon light sign; a great find!


    Thanks Andrew, it was a shack decorating pressie from Ben :D




    Looks like you are getting very organised, with everything having it's place. A far cry from my workshop especially at the moment.


    Hi Iain, yep getting organized now though I've not found enough space for everything to have a home yet.. Some stuff may have to stay boxed up for a little while longer.




    Does not that apply to most workshops? T'Other Arf says you need danger money to go in mine. :D


    I'm going to try and keep the new place tidy.. It's so nice to be able to get around the big bench without having to move or climb over stuff as it was in the old shack.. :D



    Well chaps, a couple of big milestones were passed today.. The first being I finally wired in my little radio to some big speakers via and old stereo thingy so now I no longer have to listen to tinny sounding rock music from the DAB radios little speaker and I now have the sound power to drown out Nigel's singing :lol::yankchain:


    The second milestone we shall get to in a bit..


    The workshop is now about 85% done.. Ok, I still need to bolt the lathe motor and pulley down..





    An organized bench..





    Quite possibly the tidiest and cleanest this big bench will ever look.. It's nice to have the bench space to bolt my sheet metal folder on to :thumbs:





    And as the big project bench was looking tidy I thought I'd take a few photo's of it as well :D









    And the second big milestone??  Well with the workshop being 85% done it means it's done enough to be operational..  (The remaining 15% will be done as it's needed)..


    So the only thing to do was to have an opening ceremony, for which the local royalty was called in to do the honors...



    It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Mayor of Mower Land   :D





    "I pronounce this workshop open"!!   :lol:



  5. Hi Ian, welcome to MOM, it's good to have you aboard...

    That's quite a machine you have there, PTO, independent rear brakes and power steering by the looks of your photo's :thumbs:


    If your handy with fabrication anything can be fitted.. A front loader and back hoe are on my "must build one day" list, but I did make a 3 point for my Wheel Horse GT-14+2 it might give you a few ideas http://myoldmachine.com/topic/433-wheel-horse-gt-142/?hl=%2Bthree+%2Bpoint+%2Blinkage#entry4843

  6. Oh Ian, its soooo sad, where's my hanky


    Aaww.. Don't cry Chris :lol:




    Ian, I look forward to seeing your new videos from your new shack. BTW is the music Metallica?


    Hi Andrew, I have started recording life at the new shack, maybe a video about it at the end of the week.. Nope the music is not Metallica, it's called "Slow night at the saloon" found here.. http://teknoaxe.com/Home.php






    Yeah it is a bit sad Mark, but long term more than worth it..




    At least the shack has found a new lease of life Ian :)


    Very true Paul, better than it being scrapped...   The buyer is going to send me some photo's when he get's it put back together, though something tells me it won't be going up in quite the same way it came apart..




    great video and so sad...


    Thanks Iain :thumbs:


    More progress today in the workshop..


    Some tools and decoration up..





    The shelves will be moved to somewhere a little easier to reach, low bench for the blasting cabinet which put's it at a nice height to use, and some more decoration up..





    Lot's more shelves filled up with random stuff and Wheel Horse parts..





    And finally some more decoration.. It just needs a plug putting on to make it light up...  A big thank you to Ben for this.. Cheers mate :thumbs:



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