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Posts posted by Ian

  1. Thanks chaps, glad you like it...


    A bit more steel recycling today.. The big tube from this bit of Honda bike frame..





    And some blue bit's of angle that were off-cuts from Garry's trike..





    Both fitted.






    As the front castor wheel was rather worn to say the least, I dug this heavy duty castor  wheel out.. One of a pair that has been following me around for years just waiting for the right moment to be used..





    And a quick test fit :D...  I just need to make something to hold the gas bottle in place (rather than the bungee that was used for this quick photo), and it's done..

    I was going to paint it but I rather like the "vintage used" look :D



  2. I wish I had more of an update on Why Not for you guy's, but as my ordered steel has yet to turn up (fingers crossed for tomorrow he says yet again :) ) I've not been able to get on with much..


    These two bits of blue box have been welded to the back of the body and screwed to the bench..





    And a couple more lengths at the front.. These hold the bodywork in the right place so I can work out how the new chassis rails will run..





    Nothing is set in stone yet, but I do know I want the top rails to run inside the bodywork..





    Roll on when the steel arrives, it will look better and be a bit stronger than the lengths of wood :D



  3. A rotary table on a mill might be an easy way to cut the centre out of a wheel, if that is what you are trying to do.


    Hi Iain, yep that's what I'm trying to do, cut the center out the wheel..    A rotary table on a mill would be handy, but as I don't have one it looks like I'm going to have to make my own lathe that's big enough :D

  4. Evening all, as you know I've now moved from Arc welding to Mig welding, and very happy with the Mig I am :)

    The trouble is with the welder plonked on the remains of an office chair and the gas bottle tied to my blasting cabinet so I stood less chance of knocking it over it didn't make my welder very portable or even easy to shift around the shack!


    So what I need is something with wheels to move it all around on...


    Enter a tube frame.. 

    This frame used to hold a Kohler powered hydraulic road drill unit..

    Nigel has the hydraulic side, Chris picked up the engine today, which leaves me with the frame, all be it a bit on the wide side..





    Not a problem.. Out came the grinder as 8 1/2 inches was chopped out..





    Chopped :D





    As I didn't have any of the right size tube to sleeve it with, I had to use some bits of U shaped steel and lot's of G clamps etc to hold it together for welding..





    Have a strange ghostly photo of welding in action..





    I don't think the end of this axle is going anywhere :D





    It was while sitting with a coffee looking at the narrowed trolley thingy that I thought it might be a bit unstable with the wheels not that far apart!





    Some more cutting and welding later not only were the wheels outboard but I'd also moved them back a few inches..





    And that Ladies and Gents is as far I I've got with the welding trolley today.. 

    More to come tomorrow..

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