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Posts posted by Ian

  1. While I was at Nigel's workshop today cutting my reliant axle up, this rather heavy machine was delivered!!    It is rather nice :D











  2. With no more steel to hand to make any more of the frame (an order was put in today), I turned my thought to narrowing the rear axle.. Time to get serious and work out how narrow it needs to go.


    So the chassis was welded to some bit's of box at the right height... This is the rear..   Did I mention I like MIG welding? :D





    And once I was sure the chassis was central on the bench (I had drawn a big rectangle around the bench with a line right through the center), the bit's of box were firmly screwed down.. The chassis isn't going anywhere now :D





    So out came the wheels, bit's of bodywork and the odd bit of wood for some mocking up..   Moving the rear wheel in and out, backward and forwards until I hit the "Grin spot".!

    The "Grin spot" is when you know you have got it just right and a big grin breaks out on ones face quite often followed by some silly giggling :lol::D







    Once I'd had a coffee and calmed down a bit, out came the tripe measure followed by some scribbling and head scratching..


    The standard width Reliant  axle is 1288mm hub to hub..

    I need one that's 780mm in width..

    So I need to narrow it by 508mm or 254mm each side, or the bit between the masking tape need to be cut out!!





    I won't be doing any cutting here though, Nigel has a powersaw thingy that's far more accurate than anything I have here..   So see you soon for some metal sawing Nigel :thumbs:



    Oh, for me one of the best views of Why Not is from the front.. The trouble is there is not enough space to get a camera in to take the shot....


    So I tried the Panarama setting on my phones camera... Not quite the result I was after :lol:





    Thought I'd better add this as well...  The latest Project "Why Not " video :)


    looking good Ian :thumbs:


    Thanks Mark :thumbs:

  3. Yet more work on the engine frame thingy, top mounts this time..


    I did tack a couple of the top mounts on complete with bit of the bike frame attached.. I didn't like the look of it so the mounts came back off, lost their bit's of bike frame and were welded back on.. They will have some more strength added.





    A bit of thick wall tube..





    With a bung/spacer thingy welded in each end.





    It fit's here on top of the engine..





    To make space to get a long bolt through I had to notch and weld a bit of tube into the frame each side.





    Part welded on to the frame.. The welds do look much better from the underside :)





    And a couple of rare shots of the engine frame without the engine :D






  4. A bit of an update for you all ladies and gents..


    These two bits of small modern art were created...





    So I could hold the filler plate in the end of the box for welding..





    Plates welded in and some cross members added..  The holes in the box will be filled in when I'm sure I don't need them..





    And another cross member above the carbs..






  5. Brilliant, Ian. :bow:


    Thanks Norm.




    ive seen it in the flesh today and am impressed :blink:


    I've managed to impress you mate? I must be doing something right :lol:




    thats  :smoke: mate well done  :thumbs:


    Thanks Ben, it's getting there slowly :)




    Just watched your youtube video. Once again great video keep them coming.... You said 100MPH plus. Then i got to searching..., the speed record for a lawnmower is that little honda at 116.57MPH.

    Can you beat it!! Mind you where you going to be able to test it to get it too full speeds?

    Both your machine and the honda have motorbike engines in them so it's like they are in the same class, not as if ones got a motorbike engine and the others got a briggs and stratton, let's try break the record.. 120mph.


    HI Charlie, ta for watching the vid.. Yep I did say 100+mph in the vid but I won't be going for any speed record straight away..

    I might be able to borrow a runway for a short while but it's not long enough to get above 50mph I wouldn't of thought...   It's a long way off til Why Not is drivable anyway..




    I bought some parts a while back from someone who does lawn mower racing and apparently if you use the chassis and a few other parts like the hood it is still classed as a lawn mower.

    A record attempt would be fantastic.



    Hi Iain, I am using the original chassis, hood, bit's of body.. As much as I can really.. It would be nice to keep as much Wheel Horse as poss..




    not quite true the honda that holds the record had an engine from a snow jetski thingy but they cheated realy cos the rules say it has to cut grass so what they did was put some electric battery strimmers under it to get round the rules

    and ian every year up north some where on an old air field runway they let you go for speed records on two and four wheels :)


    Santa Pod? That's north to you. ;)


    Santa pod is the first place that sprang to mind when I read what you said Nigel :)

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