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the showman

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Everything posted by the showman
  1. Is that all you've done today
  2. The last shed in the row gets a bit of a tidy up to match the rest
  3. Looks the nuts, bet your pleased with that
  4. That looks good, be careful when you put the lift up
  5. Looking good Ewan, don't get yellow spray dust over bendy
  6. Bit early yet Andrew, think there's 6 or 7 forms back in
  7. Don't you have a flash on your camera?
  8. Thats a bit of a anticlimax, scrolled down to look at the photos
  9. Nothing i say bud except wow
  10. Oh I like them, are they unilug adaptors or just spacers ?
  11. Looking good Ewan, will it be ready for Newby ?
  12. That's a good deal Charlie, instant collection in one hit
  13. All those words to look at, where's the pictures to look at
  14. Well done mate, I'll study it later frame by frame
  15. More good progress mate, looking better every day
  16. Hey Jay good to hear from you again, thought I recognised those photos and garden
  17. Need more exhibitors for this event, I've got entry forms i can email if anyone wants one just pm me your email address
  18. These are are the books you need and picky from one of the fiter
  19. Oh that's bad news mate sorry to hear that
  20. Looks good mate and does the job theres a lot of difference in playing and doing competition ploughing
  21. Looks a monster with those front wheels and tyres James
  22. Looks like it had something bolted to the flywheel another pulley to drive something perhaps ?
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